
If an insurance company writes off a car, do you have to pay for it to be removed?

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My brother-in-law has recently had his new car (new to him anyway) written off. The insurance company of the other driver, the one at fault is demanding that he pay for the removal fee (200 quid). Is that right?




  1. No  tell him to get his insurance Co to contest this   They are trying it on  

  2. Sounds a bit dodgy.  Insurance companies usually arrange all that for no charge (they just deduct the excess).  The other guy's insurance probably doesn't cover him, so it's really up to him as he caused the accident.  

  3. no its not right.

    The insurance company that settled with him in reality bought the car so its thier job to move it---they are the new owners.

    Maybe the insurance adjuster is stealing the money.

  4. Once you receive the check for the car from insurance...they own the car.  It is their responsibility to have it removed.  

  5. Once a car is declared a write off by an insurance company it becomes their property and therefore their responsibility.

  6. no its not right,,,,any car written off,,,should have been removed from "situ"to a recognised place of assessment,,,they cannot be written of at the side of the road,an assessor must look at the car to write it off(your insurance co.(what the h**l do you pay them for)should be claiming compensation from the other driver including removal fees if they are at fault,

    the other thing to object to is .

    if your ins co and his ins co have a so called "Knock for Knock"agreement(they pay out themselves without charging each other)make sure you dont lose out on your no claims bonus(they will try it on if you let them).

    PS No car is ever an insurance "write off"until "You"the owner signs a paper saying it is a write off and you accept their must be repairable to the same condition it was before the accident,,until you are satisfied it is,,,refuse to sign a "garage release form"you can "send it back "for however many times it takes"to get it back to its original condition

  7. Tell him to pass it on to his own insurers for them to deal with the matter.

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