
If an item doesn't scan right at the cash register?

by Guest21488  |  earlier

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aka the scanning code of practice (I think) okay this just popped into my head just know from thinking about rude customers I've had to ring through lol.

during christmas, I had a customer that seemed nice until one of her items didn't come up right, first thing out of her mouth "that's not right I should get it for free" I thought she was joking, so I said "uhh I don't think we do that, a&p does", but she replies rudly, "no it's the law" and then her daughter, looks like she was 11, says with attitude, "yeah". what was going on in my head was how can you raise you daughter like that and talk to people so rudely, so I called my cash supervior, to talk to her, 'cause I didn't want to deal with it (haha lazy me), but whatever it was sloved she wasn't happy about the result, but the tag didn't even belong to the item... but we left it like that and changed it to the right price. but yeah what really got on my nerve was what she said at the end, I told her that I didn't know it was a law, and she repliet slyly, most cashiers don't because if it was a law they would have told us cashiers when they were training use (the store I work at is known for not having prices not scan in properly). she was the third customer I got since I started there that mention that so I decided to do some research and it's not a law, it's a practice, and stores have a choice to practice it. when I found that out, I was like wtf where did she pull that stuff out of? oh yeah this is all in canada, so it might be different in the state.

but yeah, how many of you have heard this PRACTICE? and if you did, did someone tell you it was a law? and have you gotten mad about it at the cash register?




  1. At my job we practice the if the item rings up wrong the customer gets it for free. However it is not enforced unless the customer or the cashier is knowledgeable about this process. I like you was not told that when I was training for the job but a customer brought it up one time when something didn't ring up correctly but she wasn't rude about it she politely asked if we had that policy and I asked the manager. The manager was the rude one and tried to make me look incompetent in front of the customer which wasn't the case, what a *****. Sorry to go a little off topic. No it's no law it seems that customer was just being a snotty ******. I hate it when people try to tell you how to do your job.

  2. She was ignorant for thinking that it's a law. Or maybe she was just greedy and wanted you to believe that. Why would you get an item for free, no matter what the cost, when it takes a few minutes to fix an incorrect ring-up? Geez.

  3. I'm from the US, I've heard of it and I did think it was a law although I never looked into it.  I didn't get mad at the register but I have benefited from it.  Twice that I can think of (in like 15 years)  both times I ended up getting paid to take the item off their hands.  I didn't get mad at the register, I didn't even notice until I had paid.  The first time I noticed before I left the store so I took it to customer service and said I was over charged expecting just a refund on the portion I was over charged but what they did was refund the entire price of the item and then some I think it was five dollars extra they gave me back.  The second time I was home before I noticed and pretty much had the same exact thing happen when I took it back. They gave me an extra 5 bucks.  That doesn't work if it was a cashier mistake by the way it only applies if the item is programmed in the computer at the wrong price and even then there are exceptions.  I don't understand being rude to the cashier about it though.  

  4. I've never heard of such a thing - sounds like she's one of these cheapos who want as much as they can for as little as possible.

    Can you imagine what that woman is like at a yard sale? She probably bullies people into getting what she wants for nothing. GRRR I can't stand people like that!!!

  5. What a cheap woman. Ugh, why are people so rude? It gets on my freakin nerves. Sorry to hear about what happened to you though. And I tried googling it but I didnt find anything. It probably isnt a law

  6. Dealing with rude, unreasonable customers is unfortunately something you will have to learn to do if you plan to remain a cashier.  But you basically did the right thing.  The best policy, and certainly the one that will give you the least stress, is to tune out all the verbal abuse she pelts you with, wait until she's done with her tirade, and simply say, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Ma'am (or Sir), but that decision is not mine to make.  Just one moment while I get my supervisor to assist you."  That way, you have emotionally separated yourself from the situation, plus you have killed her rudeness with your kindness & professionalism.

  7. i had it where i worked, if the shelf price did not match the price at the register the customer gets the item free of charge. had a guy(total asss) come in on weekends who'd ask any free cashiers to check item prices for him.. soon as he found a wrong price(usually from the floral/deli depts) hed demand it for free. i think my manager told him to go f'himself or something he stopped coming around after a while.

  8. Wow, what a ugly women to encounter.

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