
If an unborn baby is "just a clump of cells" . . . ?

by  |  earlier

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then why do women get mad when the guy says just get rid of it?




  1. Maybe because you don't realize that every living thing is a "clump of cells" all just organized in different patterns.

  2. Last time I checked, a "clump of cells" is alive.

    Those that want the right to murder innocents will use whatever terminology to assuage their guilt.

  3. LMAO... no seriously, that was a good laugh to start the morning. Tell us another one. LOL!

  4. Because a lot of people believe that the baby is more than "just a clump of cells" .

    Pro Life!

  5. grow up dude.

  6. Maybe you forgot there's a lot of women out there who have kept their "unwanted/unplanned/un-whatever" babies because they don't believe in abortion?

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