
If an underage girl comes on to you, what is the best way to tell her you are not interested?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, in a way that will not hurt her feelings. She is 16.




  1. If she chooses to feel hurt, that's up to her. Rejection is rarely pleasant.

    Just tell her that you appreciate her interest, but the two of you aren't a good match. That way you've not insulted or belittled her, but told a (general) truth.  

  2. Honestly tell her that dating her would be against the law and you're not the type of person who  wants to go to jail because of it.Ask her if she could wait two more years if she's willing to wait then you can have a relationship but it's really up to you also if you really want to date her.

    Good Luck  

  3. sorry..

    i don't feel like to have a relationship..

    maybe we might be together in the future..


    i'm sorry..

  4. either tell her up front.

    but if shes sensitive or you can tell she is


    "its really cute that you like me and all -

    but its best if your keep close to people of your age.

    your too young - dont worry though theres still hope!"


  5. just say your too young for me im sorry but tell her that you think shes pritty

  6. "Come back and see me in two years! I'm attracted to you now, but I wouldn't want either of us to get in any trouble for it."

  7. Simply tell her that even though you are flattered, she is too young and that it would be against the law. Tell her something along the lines that if she honestly cares for you, she wouldn't want you getting in trouble with the law.

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