
If and when a strike occurs while visiting in Peru, is it still possible to leave on a airplane ?

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I heard when a strike occurs the entire country basicly shuts down and residents are not permitted to leave their homes. As a visitor with limited vacation days is it possible to still return back home???




  1. Strikes do occur, some of them executed by the MTC (transportation and comunication), Teachers, not too long ago there was one from Doctors..but that does not stops the country, and much less paralyzes the flow of the airtraffic.  

    I have been going to Peru for the last three years and have been able to come back without a problem, even though there has been strikes during my visit.

  2. I got in a country-wide strike in Peru last July.  I have to say, it was pretty scary as a traveler.

    I was on the train to Machu Picchu when strikers started hurling rocks at it.  There were rocks in the road everywhere you went and while I was there, a tour bus flipped over and killed quite a few people.  I got turned back from Arequipa on my bus from Puno.  And I got stuck in Juliaca airport during a public uprising.

    That being said, I had an awesome, unforgettable trip and I wouldn't change having gone for anything.  Strikers don't generally target foreigners and they are usually aiming to stop transportation not kill the transportees.

    I got out of Peru on schedule, but it took some good planning and good luck.  In any case, Peruvians are sort of used to this sort of thing and they do a good job cleaning up the strikers' messes!

  3. Peru is politicaly and socialy fine and has been since 1990. The only problem that we had a month or two  ago was in the in Cuzco.

    Just in two isolated days, incidents occured. One in the train to Macchu Picchu and the other in the Cuzco Airport. There was a law on discussion in congress about permiting to build hotels near tourist attractions and the governor of Cuzco protested against it, manipulating his followers and workers.

    The peruvian goverment modified the law and everything went back to normal again.

    Unfortunatly for those tourist that missed their train to Macchu Picchu or their plane to Lima, it was being in the right place at the wrong time. It is wise to have an additional day for any inconvenience. I always do that when I travel, once I took my family to Disney World and on the extra day it rainned Dogs & Cats!

  4. so fake !!!!!!!

    and   depends   which  people or  workers are in strike :)

    depend  where or  what city u are, etc.

    dont  pay atention  , for  only people says  bla bla blas  BAD  NEWS   about  Peru !!!!!!!

  5. No, this is completely false. People cannot leave their houses when there is an emergency state declared and  there is a "toque de queda" which means no one can go out between such and such hours. The last time that happened in Lima was in the mid 80's due to the terrorist groups attacking Lima. There are several strikes everyday, but these strikes are small, organised and in specific places in Lima. Even when there is a transport strike, this is just for public transportation like buses. There are several private taxi companies and the whole country (or even Lima) never stops for strikes or shuts down.

    Just go to Peru and have a great time, the airport is privately owned now and even when it was nationally owned, it has never shut, airplanes have always been able to fly in and out. Lima is quite a cosmopolitan city, it's not a forbidden place in the middle of nowhere!

  6. There atre strikes all the time and you can still leave.

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