
If and when the second American Civil War commences, do you think it will jeopardise the rest of the world?!!!

by  |  earlier

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Will we be under the threat of a nuclear winter or do you think it will stay within the confines of their borders?!!!




  1. the second civil war will happen.

    and no, most other nations wont get involved.

    of course, they'll take advantage of US being weak from an internal war, but.. it cant be helped.

  2. I do believe that America is on the way to a second civil war. However, I do not think that it will "jeopardise" the rest of the world. If anything our enemies (Iran, for example) would take advantage of the war and destroy us when we are weak or focused on the opposing front. It would also be highly probable that it remains within our borders. And the use of WMD's (Nuclear, Chemical, and/or Biological) are highly unlikely.

  3. It will be a long time before the American sheeple revolt against socialism/communism and our police state. Things are not bad enough yet. Barry Obama and the democrats will hurry things along with the huge new taxes they are promising.

    Nuclear? That is funny. It will effect the rest of the world because the USA handouts won't be available any longer.

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