
If and when we find other life in the universe what will hapen to god ?

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seroiuoulsy like because it says that the other planets are just fore are amusment and that were the only life....but that is so ilogicel ... like i bet by the end o my life time we will find somother for of life on anoter planet. so then what will happen to gods belivers what explination will they make up ??




  1. various religions will send missionaries to their worlds and try and convert them.  

  2. I believe that if there is life on other planets, God created that life as well.  You are a silly.  "Explanation they will 'make up'."  PLEASE!

  3. Christians will be forced to accept that "God" has been fooling around on the side.

  4. Nothing. He'll still only appear in print.

  5. nothing that just means he made life on other planets  

  6. The first verse of the first book of the Bible answers that.  One heavens (plural) one earth (singular). Sorry.

  7. Where does it say that we are the only life created by God? Also, where does it say the other planets were made for our amusement?

  8. whats the difference since mbe livelive god created everything

  9. Yahweh will go the way of Quetzalcoatl.

  10. they will also worship Him....He mightve died for more than one planet...we dk yet!!

  11. Nothing. All it will mean is that He Created life on other worlds too.

  12. Nothing.

    I will say; you have convinced me of the dire need to repair our (US) school systems.

  13. Nothing can happen to something that isn't really there.

  14. They'll teach you grammar and how to use spell check.

  15. nothing, there is life out there.

  16. We will think "how are the evolutionists going to explain THIS one"?

  17. Probably something very similar to the South Park episode "Starvin' Marvin in Space"...

  18. "Our manifest destiny is to bring the true religion of God to these aliens!"


  19. Some of us have absolutely no problem believing in a God and accepting such things as science, logic and rational thought.  By me, God could have created the evolutionary process, life on other planets, the physical laws of the universe, other dimensions, etc.  If that should turn out to be true...and we do find life on other would only serve to increase my appreciation of God.

  20. It would have no impact.  I know of no religion that denies the universe exists.  But, we will not find life forms from other solar systems in our lifetimes.  You obviously have no clue how many light years away the nearest star, therefore solar system is.

  21. He'll probably be upset.  I mean, he went to all that effort putting all that space between us, just for us to go and cross it!  There will be a mighty smiting happening.  

  22. I do not think there is no life anywhere else in the universe, just no intelligent life.

    As to your claim that it will be found in your life time. I seriously doubt that. We have not even gotten to the point we can send a person to Mars let alone the closest star. Even if they started tomorrow to another star we all would be dead before they got there.


  24. Simple. We will send missionaries to their planet, rape the females if possible, steal their planet and make them submit to capitalism. But at least they'll have the Bible. Even if they are green with tentacles they'll believe some bearded white guy is their Lord and created them in His image.

  25. If one does not doubt though all the world appear to be without reason or cause at times, how will the introduction of new disorder cause them to stumble?  If one didn't believe the Son of Man, who will convince him of his own sin?  

    Belief is not based on the senses, it can not be understood through reason.  It is beyond the reach of any natural phenomenon.  This being said, many will be caused to fall away from the faith.  

  26. As the Christians have done to every culture on the globe, whether they wanted it or not, they will go to other planets and preach, try to convert everyone on the other planets, and kill those beings that don't convert in the name of "G-d".

  27. in the unlikely event of you catching up with the Martians in their intergallactic travel through the galaxies, I the FSM will still exist

  28. Religious adaption, this isn't the first time this has happened. Some old f**t will get some vision, big spectacle somewhere. The church will parade this poor fool around spouting the claims that God knew all along. That this and that Biblical passage were really always about this and that. Hey look up the Catholic Church in France in the 1700's if you want proof. They had a tonne of possessions, exorcisms, all sorts of public charades to 'prove' that Christianity was real and valid at the time.  

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