
If animals had personalities, which would be the biggest moaner? or the stupidest?

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If animals had personalities, which would be the biggest moaner? or the stupidest?




  1. No cats would be snobs. And cows would be grumpy old women - well i guess they'd be the moaners then. To answer your question...I REALLY have to think about this. There are oh so many animals to choose from.

  2. I think giraffes would moan a lot!

  3. well since the ostrich has a brain the size of a pea i guess I'd say this one would be the stupidest, and since it spends most of it's time with it's head in the sand not much to chat about either so the dumbest too.

  4. I can say for sure Animals have bigger personalties then us Humans & its Humans who are the biggest moaners.

  5. Gorillas would moan the most.  It seems that they do tend to posture themselves and run off if they don't get their way.

    Possums seem to be the stupidest.  You never see a panther lying dead in the road.

  6. it would have to be my jack russel buddy he is all ways moaning  an groaning about somethin if i ask him to sit or stay he moans

  7. I'd say cougars would moan the most


  8. I think a turtle would be the stupidest. As for a moaner, probably a bear.

  9. Moaner - the sloth

    Stupidest - turtle

  10. cats would be stupidest cows would moan instead of mooing

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