
If animals naturally eat meat, what does PETA plan to do about it?

by Guest56924  |  earlier

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Since PETA is for the total liberation of animals but AGAINST eating them, wouldn't it be contradictory to set them free into an environment where they'd all eat each-other?

(I swear to god, they're all freakin' insane.)




  1. I'm not really for or against PETA but there seem to be a few brain damage sufferers posting here. If you actually read PETA's mission statement you'd know that their purpose is ethical treatment of animals at the hands of humans. They are not against the natural circle of life.

    The whole argument of "animals eat meat, so why can't we?" is flawed and completely infantile as is the "God gave them to us to eat" argument. Animals are driven by instinct and in most cases there is a sensitive balance which requires animals to be thinned out. Unlike animals humans have a choice. As for God, Adam and Eve lived in harmony with God's creatures and never ate them in the Garden of Eden. And don't you think God would look kindly towards someone that actually respected his creations rather than factory farm and murder them?

    Also, what's that about us starving to death if we stop eating meat and only grow green crops? Cattle are one of the world's greatest causes of land degradation, water wastage and pollution. Growing food to feed food is completely inefficient.

    Some people treat this place like a chat forum, if you can't come up with a logical question or answer why are you here?

  2. Animals don't have the capacity to make ethical decisions and humans do.

    Guess you were on your cellphone the day they covered that in science class.

  3. PETA is full of people who don't understand reality in any form, the world would burn all it's decent soil into the ground trying to feed everyone with plants. We'd destroy the whole plant and starve to death.

    I say we eat them and sell all their stuff to buy steak knives.

  4. Wow, you must have thought about that for a whole 2 seconds before posting, right? Thanks for sharing.

  5. dude peta is ******* stupid and insane... just ignore those fuCk3rs

  6. IIRC is PETA not against feeding pet cat's and dog's meat?

    IMO, to prevent animals which would naturally eat meat (and indeed, will catch it themselves given the chance) almost to the exclusion of other foods from soing so is despicble.

  7. etin animals is fine if you ask me. just aslong as wel dont est the things like sharks n wales that are risk animals.

    PETA are just trying to look after the envioroment.

    i get what your trying to say but i dont think they wuld mind about animals eating each othre becuase its nature n they know it would be ballsy to try n stop it! some animals just wuldent survive that way.

    there just saying it to us people coz we take the p**s outa evrything realy.

  8. you do have a point but animals are always like reproducing and since they eat each other, the numbers of animals will be pretty much balanced, but humans often consume more than we need, i bet that a lot of the meat that we slaughter, we dont even eat, and it probably ends up being used in a fertiliser or some cheap fish food!!!! anyways i sort of agree with ya, they are pretty insane sometimes!!! :P

  9. Oh brother.  They don't mean for every zoo and farmer just to open the cages and let all the animals go.  Natural survival is also a tad different then you going to the supermarket for a choice cut.   Did someone not think through their thoughts this morning?

  10. no...the animals human eat are sent by God to feed men in order to men didn't commit sin by eating them.

  11. PETA is completely out of whack with nature.  There is some kind of mental disconnect there.  I don't get it.

  12. PETA are generally just a bunch of dumba$$es...

  13. Humans don't need to eat animals to survive. Some other animals do. PETA's not trying to make every creature in the world an herbivore.

    The thing they have a problem with is the way the animals in factory farms are treated, not that there are animals that eat meat.

    I agree with whoever said that veg*ns shouldn't have meat eating pets, though. I mean, if they buy meat for their cat/dog/whatever constantly, they're pretty much supporting the factory farms that they hate so much... Right? o.o

  14. The concept of PETA was a fairly good idea but the implementation of that idea has become the oxymoron of the century. I don't believe they have any policy toward animals in the wild and how they behave. That would be even more senseless than some things they do. Regardless of the agency involved, I have to say I love to see a person who abuses animal life hung out to dry in the most humiliating public way possible. PETA would benefit from an overhaul in concept and focus. Their means to an end does not gain them much favor and really makes enemies when they could be making friends. But, in short, they have no policy on teaching predators to eat tofu, or Yogi to stay away from picnic baskets for the nuts and berries.

  15. Animals need to eat each other.  Humans don't need to eat animals.  I don't know why this is so hard to understand.  I really see no point in your question.  It makes you look really smart though :)  Congratulations!

  16. PETA is about liberation of animals from human control... not from nature.  It is not contradictory to release animals back into nature... and to the natural food chain.

    They may be freakin' insane, but in this instance, they aren't being hypocritical.  Other times, well, that's another story.

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