
If animals should be spayed, then why not humans?

by  |  earlier

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Animals reproduce and are left a stray and left to die in local animal shelters. They press the fact to spay them, to control the population.

Aren't humans the same way? Don't we have tons of children that are starving, left to die, or in oprphanages. Then its only fair that humans should be spayed too.




  1. They can be, It's just really expensive and cheaper too buy condoms or birth control pills.

  2. some people really need to be spayed and neutered. (sp?)

  3. Sometimes I think that s*x offenders should be...  but in response to the population problem, I daresay it is like using a band-aid to fix a dam.  We would be treating the outcome of the problem and not the problems themselves.  I think the real problems are love responsibility and charity (actually, the lack thereof.)  If those who suffer from these problems were neutered of spayed, they would just find other ways to make terrible mistakes.

  4. I think that people should be able to be fixed if they want. But most doctors wont do it, especially for women, cause they might be sued if they do the surgery, for women the surgery is permanent, and people do change their minds.

  5. this is where the whole Darwin theory comes into affect.....

  6. Are you advocating compulsory sterilization?  Compulsory sterilization was forced on mentality disabled people or those who were considered genetically inferior in the last century. Many people were sterilized against their will.

  7. that's why i'm not having kids

  8. Human's do get "fixed" my mum had it done.

    && another thing is thahh humans don't have like 8 babies at a time..

    So humans shouldn't HAVE to be fixed.

    We don't breed like rabbits.

  9. AHH I have brought this point to light many times. There should be mandatory spay and neuter laws for people deemed unfit for parenting. Though thats a ethical and moral rights question and as long as we have a democracy there is no way a law like it will be passed. it would have to be of there own free will or choice.


  11. I completely agree with you.  I'm also all for human euthenasia.  The problem is figuring out a way to regulate such things.  Who decides who gets sterilized?  Who decides who gets euthenized?  I'm sure there's a way, but there are not enough intelligent people in our government (or anyone else's, probably) to ever make it happen.  Hopefully the younger generations will be able to accomplish stuff like this in the future.

  12. I would agree with you if humans produced babies at the rate of animals.

  13. because huamns are selfish animals and they only care about their own survival.  

  14. I got myself neutered. I had a vasectomy. I hate kids.

  15. Humans are spayed (visectomy, tubes tied).  It's a personal choice but it happens.  The problem isn't completely about overpopulation (like it is with dogs/cats/pets). It's a social, economic problem that society needs to address in order to ensure that the children are taken care of and not abandoned.  Honestly if society were to address this problem with the intentions to educate the public on topics such as birth control, family planning and responsible parenting there would be no need to sterilize anyone. Education is an invaluable key to solving many social problems.  

  16. they do but its a lot of meney so poor people cant do it but its simple really DON'T HAVE s*x.

  17. Industrilized and wealthy nations have the lowest birth rates.  In the US for example, people are only have kids at a rate of 2.3 children per couple so it takes about 3 couples to create one extra person on our total population.  And some places actually have declining populations, I'm pretty sure Italy is an example of this.

    Overpopulation is only a problem in underdeveloped nations and poverty stricken nations where issues like rape, lack of education, lack of funding, poor family structure, and lack of resources promotes a high birth rate sometimes to compensate for those children who die!

    In many warring nations in Africa, soliders will repeatedly and vicously rape any women they come across which frequently results in the production of more children.  This is a common pratice during times of war throughout history.

    In other nations where the US frequently hands out aid, workers that help women and families are not allowed to give out condoms unless they want to lose their funding due to the Bush administration's, abstinence only policy, so they must do the best they can with what they got which is unfortunely an unrealistic way of dealing with things.

    In poor nations where many women may never see a classroom women may not even know what makes them pregnant or how to stop themselves from getting pregnant.

    This is a rather simplistic way of looking at this issues and is only treating the symptom and not the diesease.  First we need to understand what causes high birth rates if we want to combate the issue.

    Besides, if you really want to have people be spayed or nuetered, start with yourself and go get a vesectomy or historectomy.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

  18. Sounds good to me.  Limit the number of kids for

    people on welfare.

    Edit- I wasn't able to have kids so I married

    a guy who had a vasectomy already.   I knew

    he wasn't planning on it.  :-)

  19. They ARE - just called something different, that's all.

  20. human rights

  21. Humans can, its just called different times.

    Just animals don't have the choice to be spayed/neutered, humans do.  

  22. Sure, Let's start with you buddy. cut it off.

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