
If another sperm entered the egg instead of the one that did at the moment you were conceived?

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I mean asthe sperms are genetically identicle, would you still be you?




  1. Can't happen The egg surface changes instantly the first sperm enters.

    Should two sperms be placed in an egg, only one could fertilize it as the chromosomes must pair up. This is the technique that egg use to avoid being fertilized by other species. (it why dogs can't make babies with cats etc.)

  2. No, sperms are not identical.

    For instance, 50% of them will make you male, 50% of them will make you female.

    Each sperm has one copy of each chromosome but not necessarily the same copy. Crossing over also brings variation. In other words, you could look a lot like your dad's father, or look a lot like your dad's mother.

  3. If that happened, I wouldn't exist. Someone else would. He or she could be much different from me.

  4. The sperms are not identical, each and every one of them carries a different genetic mix from your father. The mixing of the paternal DNA takes place in the testies. So no the child would not be you and and would have a fifty fifty chance of not even being the same s*x.


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  6. Each sperm is different. They are NOT genetically identical.

  7. I dnt think so......i cud be a boy now.....every sperm is different aint it???......ahhhh i =)

  8. no..... It would be my brother or sister.... glad I made it there firsts...losers...tehe!!!!

  9. They are not identical - Fraternal Twins are conceived at the same time but from different sperm so they are just as different as any other sibling.

  10. you could be the opposite s*x, it all depends on what codes get combined between the sperm and egg.

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