
If any of you remember watching any of the Karate Kid movies...?

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I want your honest opinion do you really think someone who is Mr. Miyagi's age and skill can defeat the Cobra Kai students and senseis? I know it's just a movie and all, but it's really disturbing me since I think that physical power will always lose to mind power when it comes to MA.




  1. Google Bill super foot Wallace he is still competitive and he is old

  2. I don't think he was that old though(60 something).

    So being that age and in good health and with " the skills",why wouldn't he be able to do it ?

  3. it is totally possible for a little old dude to beat up the cobra kai students.. in most of the fights he had the element of surprise.. everyone seemed to be thinking "this dude is both little and old" so he got the better of them... i wouldnt go putting mr miyagi into full contact mma events but given the circumstances in the movie it was entirely possible... throw in a kick *** soundtrack and you have one of the best movies ever..

  4. Easily.

    My teacher is currently 66 and I see him beat up normal age martial artists all the time. Check out any good karate teachers (Higaonna, Kagawa, etc...regardless of style), even at 60 or so, they can still kick most people's butts.

  5. it`s the classic good vs evil. do the right thing and you will be rewarded. if you could learn martial arts from painting a fence and waxing cars i would be a black belt.

  6. I think he could.....sometimes mind over matter, adreniline and skill are all you need!!!

  7. skill prevails no matter what age you are.  Age might effect your stamina and muscle but it won't affect your skill and capacities.  Check out youtube for some movies on Morihei Uyeshiba the founder of aikido.  The guy stayed on top of his game till his dying day at the age of 85

  8. Physical attributes only matter so much, as long as your able to move certain places and ways your style has taught you to move, then you're fine.

    Mr. Miyagi could move around good if you seen in the 1st movie when he defends Daniel from the bullies.

    What really matters, is how much work you put into it and how smart you are. You can do 200 pushups and be young and in top shape but if you have no good training, it's a higher chance you'll lose, old or young.

    In my opinion, yeah Mr. Miyagi could defeat them. He trained his self internally and softer than most hard style karatekas. He could move swifter and find ways his opponent wouldn't be able to find, plus he fought with no emotion.

    A good thing to know is that most people who brag are the people who can't do and the people who mind their own business can do.

  9. NO i do not, ha!  They were just trying to teach being a good minded, spirited person is better, like love outdoes evil and such.

  10. "Sweep the leg!"

  11. Age and size do not necessarily win a fight, so someone of Miyagi's size with his skill would actually have a good chance of winning.

  12. I think Mr. Miyagi could defeat them, too.

  13. Wax on, wax off grasshopper! The mind will help you win if you have what it takes. the mind will cause you to lose if you don't believe in self. the mind can be your best friend or worst enemy.

    Anyway the character in the movie Mr.Miyagi was in control of his mind and had what it takes (skill).

    Physical power never goes to waste if you use your mind and skill with it, unless your a character in a movie then anything could happen..

  14. Take a look at the Gracie family and their patriarch and ask that question again.  Of course age is not a determining factor.

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