
If any1 here doesn't believe in global warming, please make a comment.?

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or al gore.




  1. Did you ever hold a magnifying glass over an ant hill as a kid ?  Maybe GOD is doing the same to cull the herd.

  2. There are two issues in play.  Global warming is probably happening.  I've seen enough information to connivance me that the average temperature of the earth is probably going up.  I say probably because there is way to much junk science being quoted.  

    The second issue is that humans are the cause of the global warming.  I have seen nothing to convince me that this is true.  There are natural cycles in the earths atmosphere.  Everyone believes in ice ages.  What do you think happen in between ice ages?  We humans measure time on a small scale.  When we have 20 million years of data, I'll be concerned.  Even the founder of Green Peace has abandoned this position to favor a more neutral position.

  3. The Earth's climate is always changing.  If it's not getting warmer, it's getting cooler, and if it's not getting cooler, then it's getting warmer.

    Who would believe that the climate should remain constant from year to year.

    Many things cause the climate to change, from natural changes in the wind currents, natural changes in the ocean currents, and natural changes in the output of the Sun.

    All of these have affected the Earths climate since the beginning of time.

    Man has added just a scant 0.01% of co2 in the atmosphere at the most.  That is too small to cause any effect on the climate.  To think man can influence the climate is foolish.

  4. I've never understood the predominantly American subculture of ignoring scientific evidence. The concept of global warming requires no 'faith'.

  5. Climatologists are correct, global warming is real. It is a short-term (perhaps 100-500 years) phenomenon. Geologists are also correct, global cooling is real. It is a long-term (perhaps 10,000 years)  phenomenon. It is not unusual to see a short-term contrary trend within a long-term trend, whether in climate or any other area of study.

    The issue at hand is whether global warming is caused by man. Man has an influence on the climate, just as butterflies, earthquakes and solar flares have influence. That is why it is a complex system. We know virtually nothing about the complex system called the global climate. The jury is still out on whether man's influence is significant.

    The concern about rising sea levels appears to be misplaced. Geologists have concluded that, n the past, the ice at the North Pole has significantly retreated, causing the Arctic Ocean to be largely ice-free. This then leads to significant increase in evaporation at the pole, and the water vapor pretty much stays above the pole. It then falls as snow, enormous amounts of snow, which then leads to another ice age. At least that is the best that the geologists can figure out - they really have only about a quarter billion years of data, not enough to be sure.

  6. I have done much research on the subject and the evidence points to that idea that global warming is natural.

  7. I think ill choose to make an Al Gore... * goes to bathroom*.  Ok, Im back.  

    Global warming is a natural occurence. No one can prove anything out of the ordinary for this planet is happening.  29 years of satellite observations of the arctic does not prove anything.  120 years of accurate temperature measurements doesnt prove anything either.  What DOES prove something is the thousands of proxies that show there have been similar events in the past, some lasting 200 years.  The proxies also tell us how abrubt changes can happen in local areas, which is something the "global warmers" would claim as evidence for their theory even though the earth tells us it happened even when we werent here yet.

  8. Global warming is buried in political and economic agenda.  It is more than reasonable to be skeptical, especially when policy makers want and are making decisions that will have severe impacts on our economy.

  9. GW activists/alarmists always want you to believe we are going to die tommorrow. Here is a NASA scientist who doesn't think so.

    Cool News About Global Warming  

    By Bill Steigerwald | Monday, March 03, 2008

    You've no doubt seen the stories about strange snowfalls in Saudi Arabia. A brutal winter in China. The heaviest snow cover in North America, Siberia and elsewhere since 1966.

    And if you are a vigilant observer of the global warming debate, you know how inconveniently cold it is in the Arctic this winter for Al Gore and his army of climate alarmists.

    But how cold is it, Johnny?

    Well, NASA says recent satellite images show that the allegedly endangered polar ice cap -- which will melt completely one of these summers and kill off all the polar bears if we don't slash our greedy carbon footprints and revert to the lifestyles of medieval peasants -- has recovered to near normal coverage levels.

    That's what Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Branch of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, told Canada's CBC News -- the Canadian government's version of NPR/PBS - on Feb. 12.

    As far as Google's search engine knows, Comiso's comforting report has appeared nowhere but in Canada.

    There's even better news for polar ice-pack lovers from ice expert Gilles Langis, who says Arctic ice is now even thicker than usual in spots. A senior ice forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service in Ottawa, he's another scientist you shouldn't expect to see talking to Anderson Cooper on the next episode of CNN's "Galaxy in Peril."

    Meanwhile, in other news too climatically incorrect for U.S. mainstream media to touch, California meteorologist Anthony Watts says January 2008 was the planet's second-coldest January in 15 years.

    Even more shocking, the average temperature of Earth dropped significantly from January 2007 to January 2008. As Watts explains on his Web site, he determined the lower figure by crunching data from four major public and private global tracking sources.

    You may remember Watts from last summer. He popped up in this paper and on Fox News because of his self-funded project to quality-check 1,221 ground weather stations around the country that are used by NASA to measure the "official" average annual temperature of the United States.

    So far, Watts and his volunteers have checked out more than 500 weather stations (none in Western Pennsylvania) to see if their temperature data can be considered credible. As he details on his other Web site,, nearly 70 percent of the sites fail to meet the government's own standards because they are not 100 feet from a building, are on blazing rooftops, sit next to air-conditioner exhaust fans, etc.

    Watts was shocked and surprised to find such unequivocal proof that Earth's temperature has cooled in the last year, he said to me Wednesday. But he's very cautious about what it means in either the short or long run.

    Calling it a "fluctuation" and "a large anomaly" compared to the 30-year running temperature average that climatologists use, he emphasized that the cold spell is "no indication that global warming is over" but does "illustrate that the driving mechanisms behind our planet's climate are still very much in control of changing the climate and that the planet's not in the death grip of CO2 just yet."

    A careful, honest man of science, all Watts would say for sure was that his findings and all the strange cold-weather events of this winter prove only one thing so far -- that "Mother Nature is still in control of things, not us."


    Bill Steigerwald is the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's associate editor. Call him at (412) 320-7983. E-mail him at:

  10. Global warming is not based on science.  Whenever there is contradictory evidence, it is discredited, attacked and silenced.  Does that sound like science?

      I have provided several links.  These are some of the only people reporting on the opposing evidence. These articles are not easy to find.  Disciples of Global Warming will first try to discredit the source but will not address the findings of the organizations referred to in the articles.

      The first link is 19,000 scientists who are not a part of the "consensus" on global warming.

  11. The GW bunch first started out that we were burning too much fossil fuels ,the USA.  We had produced tons of CO2 in our atmosphere . Sorry people I can not find it . If it had increased enough to lower the oxygen from 20.9 to below 19.5 we would be dieing. Oh the plants need CO2 to live and if we could stop the plants from recycling our air ,we all would die.

         Then there is methane . sorry again people I can not find any increase.

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