
If anybody really thinks that Golbal Warming is just a hoax,why not start a protest march?

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You could let the whole world know what you think. Just imagine protesters with signs that say snarky things about Al Gore. You could probably get Fox to cover it! Then the 'debate' would be over! The scientists will shut up and give you their 'grant' money. So how 'bout it? Are you gonna show your face and say the stuff you say on here about AGW? Now's you chance to get the public to hear your 'beliefs'! How about the day BEFORE Earth Day? That'll do it!




  1. I got a bumper sticker that says "Stop Global Whining".

    That's good enough

  2. do u have the guts to do it

  3. That's like protesting against the Easter Bunny.  Silly and stupid.

  4. The environmental movement is one the left have clung to since it targets the wealthy productive nations.

    The new rising countries who are producing the most pollution now are India and China, along with those whose governments are Socialist and decentralized. Somehow, these countries are given a pass.

    What will happen when China, whose CO2 output is climbing daily, exceeds the US in CO2 emissions? Will they be maligned by the left? I have to think they will be show-cased as a marvel of the Socialist ideal and remain unaffected by any criticism.

    The best way an individual can deal with this is write, phone, or visit, your government representatives and make sure they look at the facts before buying in to the environmental hysteria being touted in schools and the media.

    The worst thing to do is sit and do nothing.

  5. We are far too busy earning our living, so that our tax dollars can support the jobless and useless "protest" crowd.

  6. Be my guest. I don't see how they can do anything to stop it.

  7. Protest marches, especially against something that is non existent, are pointless and stupid. That's why I wouldn't bother. I don't believe in God either, but you won't find me out protesting his non existence.

  8. Because there are those of us who have to work to support this country and our families and those of you that have time to do such things.

  9. That is a good one.

    Denial`s Day

    How about Enemies of the earth day

    than we can start taking pictures and build up files on who to target ,when we have the Eco wars started by the friends of the planet.

  10. I think it's real. It's mostly just from natural warming patterns since the last ice age but all the CO2 we are putting in the air just speeds up the process.

    It's sad this issue has become such a political football. Dems blame it all on human activity and Repubs either say nothing is going on or it's all natural and neither one will bend even the slightest towards a comprimise. Even if you don't believe in global warming/climate change there is nothing wrong with trying to clean up the planet.

  11. Haha, that'll be great.

    "Buy hummers!"

    "We encourage you, pollute the planet MORE if you can!"

  12. Because, stupidity unfortunately, like not believing in God, runs thick in a world of over indulgent fools!!! It's a wonder that some of these clueless idiots probably believe the world is still flat with their way of thinking. Most of them that bash the facts just because they like to debate the truth, with no real evidence to back their claim up!!! What makes the people that dont believe in global warming even more idiotic, is that they are the reason that fuel prices stay high, food is going up, and the reason why the rest of us cant have a more comfortable life!!! They should stand infront of the gas stations that everyone complains about the prices being so high with a sign saying how much they love the oil companies, and thank them for all that they are doing against us all!!! I have never seen such stupidity, and wastefullness. when it comes to those who support the republican party and their friends the oil companies!!! If they like giving so much money away maybe I should set up a Pay Pal account for all the extra money they have to just give away??? Oh no, Global warming don't exhist!!! All those people in China is just imagining it all, and are not dying out of the affects of global warming but, just out of boredom!!! And they are just giving everyone some time off of work from the factories, not anything to do with cleaning up the environment there for the olympics, just more out of kindness to their people who they love so much!!! For some the facts is right infront of their face, and they still deny what is real!!! Too bad there isn't a cure for stupid!!!

  13. The current global warming debate has a lot of 'ad hoc ergo propter hoc' argument about it. either side drags out a bunch of non-related facts and then draws up their conclusion based on those facts and fills in the blank spots with speculation. Also, it's either a long term effect, or a rapidly approaching disaster, depending on the new facts brought to light...... when either side actually knows something or is at least openly searching for an answer, give me a call.

  14. The global warming issues split along republican/democrat, or liberal/conservative lines.  Not perfectly but the division is clear.

    Conservatives aren't into protesting too much.  We are doers.  The liberals protest when they don't like what we're doing.  They have time since they really don't do much else.

    Hey, Jello, is that bumper sticker made out of recycled paper?

  15. protest on the war and anything else that you think needs to be fixed.

  16. Left wing people are good at organizing marches.  We have no experience.  Can you help?

  17. I believe that it is most likely a hoax.  I have been researching things that change the weather like the moon, volcano's for starters. Actually the we have been warming up since the last ice age.  I live in the Midwest where the lakes were formed from the glaciers melting.  The only way the glacier melted was because of temp. change.  The problem could easily be solved by controlling the human population.  Humans cause the pollution in the first place.  We should appreciate what we have and take care of it not waste it.  That is why I am not protesting it.

  18. it is happening, it has been happening since the end of the last ice age like 18,000 years ago. We are about to enter another Ice Age in about 2000 years, enjoy the warm weather while you can.

  19. The main problem is that all the protest marchers are on your side of the debate. I question global warming every day but they seem to have lost my address since I have yet to get my Exxon payoff check. I guess I'll have to go on for free. The evidence is clear that CO2 has and will contribute to warming, but nobody is sure how much of the current warming is due to CO2 or even if it will continue to get warm. It's a small percent of the problem compared to methane and water vapor so I wonder why they only focus on CO2. Is it because controlling CO2 emissions gives you total control over anyone who uses energy?

    The vitriol seems to all come from your side of the debate and I have to wonder why that is. Calling anyone who dares to question AGW  either stupid, a denier or an oil company stooge (maybe all three?) isn't exactly reasoned discourse.

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