
If anyone in Beijing is reading, are they laughing at the false medal tally?

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OFFICIAL IOC tables rank according to most golds. The American media table ranks according to total medals, to make it look like they are top.




  1. Isn't this getting old already?  We all know you hate Americans.  Guess what...we don't care if you like us.  I am sorry that your country is making a poor showing and you can't say that you have won 100 medals in these games, but your jealousy is so blatantly obvious.  We all aren't ignorant.  We know China has more gold medals.  That is great for China.  Do you think we don't know that?  However, you shouldn't simply discount silver and bronze medals, just because of your obvious hatred for the US.  Next time your country experiences a disaster, I hope you don't look to the US for aid.  Although, you know we certainly would help you, because we are the most charitable nation in the world.

    By the way, one of the sources breaking the stories about the inconsistencies of the Chinese gymnast's ages was a British paper, and one of the main people reporting on it was a british blogger.  People need to stop blaming this story on the US alone.  If the Chinese government controlled newspapers were calling He a 13 year old, just last year, isn't it worth a second look, especially when she registered for multiple competitions with a different age than they say she is now.

  2. 'false medal tally' confuses me - care to 'splain?

  3. So Ed, if Great Britain had the most medals, would you still be asking the same question? Be honest now. Though I think all I'll get from you and like minded individuals are thumbs down. But whatever.  

  4. If I were Chinese, I would be embarrassed for how we tried to pull the wool over the worlds eyes....only some countries are too smart for that...cough cough... US

  5. I'm laughing everyday!

    Everyday when I check this yahoo forum some american dumb$hit goes "we are the best! we are leading the total medals tally! # of gold is not as important as total # of medals!"

    What a bunch of adorably entertaining morons.

    Some americans say: we don't care about competition and medals, about who wins or loses. That's good. But NBC and other American media obviously thinks otherwise. And if these american media reflects the general mood in America, well...Americans do become the laughing stock of the world. It's unfortunate for the more reasonable Americans...but as a chinese saying goes, a trickle of rat **** spoils the entire pot of soup

  6. USA is listed first because these are US news outlets and of course we want to know how are country is doing first. We can all read the chart and see quite plainly that China has the most golds. I think people are reading too much into this.

  7. I am amused that they are willing to bend over just to manipulate a little "lies" here and there just to suit themselves.  But they have this mentality of "winning is the only thing", and they cannot accept defeat.

    What happened when they tried to fabricate lies about the age of competitors?  It made them a laughing stock in the eyes of the whole world.

  8. Probably yes, they might be thinking "they just want to win by making things up"

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