
If anyone is from canada please answer?

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Im american,but i wanna go visit canada! it seems so awesome! but can u answer these

1- is it true canadians hate most americans? why?

2- is it fun there?

3- do u think its better than the US?

4- is your president better than bush....he probobly is. lol




  1. I can't answer these for the whole nation but my opinion is..

    1. No,i don't hate americans,i just treat ppl the same way they treat me. So if you're arrogant i won't be very nice,but if you're nice i'll buy you a drink and we're good

    2.I love it,and i always have fun when i go out(nightlife i mean)and there are so many pretty places to see. Canada has only 30 million ppl so the nature up north is breathtaking

    3. Some things are,some are not, but yeah i love it better here ;)

    And one fact for the last question

    4.We don't have a president

  2. i used to live in canada

    1. no

    2. yes

    3. depends where in canada you go

    4. HAHAHAHA canada has a Prime Minister. oh man Obama made that mistake too a while back.

  3. 1.No it is not true that we hate most Americans. We hate the way a lot of them think though. Being a generally peace loving group, it goes against the grain when our nearest neighbour seems intent on waging wars for reasons that are not reasonable. I personally do not understand why American parents would agree to send their sons and daughters to foreign lands to become cannon fodder to accommodate the ego and pocketbook of one megalomaniac - G.W. Bush and his cronies.  We do not like that you try to draw your allies into your conflicts - with friends like that, who needs enemies? I also hate that so many of you think a gun is the answer to everything at home as well.

    I can only speak for myself and my group of friends and associates - we were brought up to judge people individually on their personality and ability to think, not on their nationality.

    2. There is fun anywhere you go if you want it to be there. If you depend on other people to create fun for you - well then you miss ot on a lot of fun things that you could have created yourself.

    3. I think it is.

    4. You already know that we do not have a President but a Prime Minister. Is he better than Bush? As has already been said - ANYBODY is better than Bush. Do I personally like Stephen Harper - No! I think he is way to much of a brown noser around your Mr.Bush. I do not think he has Canada's interests at heart but rather Stephen Harper's interests at heart.

  4. 1) no well some do but not all

    2) i guess it's fun

    3) i think it's way better than the US

    4) that made me laugh we don't have a president we have a Pirme Minister. and idk

  5. 1) I agree with the guy who said that we don't hate individual american's, but we definitely aren't all that fond of the country as a whole. It definitely comes across as a 'bully', and having such a stupid president doesn't help!

    2) It definitely depends where you go. Canada is really large and has a fairly small population (compared to the size). So there are a lot of small towns and countryside that young people might find 'boring', but it is definitely beautiful! We have some awesome big cities though (Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto..) that are really fun and diverse.

    3) In some aspects yes, and some no. I definitely love our healthcare! And we have gun control and g*y marriage, so those are definitely positives to me. Also we are generally much more liberal, and less crime/murders. But the US definitely has things we don't. You have some awesome warm weather, and really interesting cities like NYC and LA. But I'm very glad I live where I do (Montreal).

    4) To be honest, I don't know all that much about our Prime Minister right now. But he is definitely criticized for being too chummy with Bush, but living in a more liberal country he couldn't possibly get away with being too much like him!  

  6. it sounds like you are worried about how you will bet reated.  I work in a tourist area that is mainly american tourists.  It's no problem. We don't judge you based on nationality, we judge based on your attitude. If you come here with a genuine sense of wanting to learn about the country then you will be treated GREAT!

    One main difference between the two contries (that I have noticed) is customer service.  We really pride ourselves on it here, and one little bit of attitude towards a customer and you will most likely get fired (unless the customer is cursing and screaming at you).  So just come in, be nice and we'll be nice back.  most likely won't even know you ARE american unless you say something.

    btw. Prime Minister Steven harper is not much better than bush, just bush with less power and a smaller army really.  Can't wait to kick him out of office in the fall. lol (the idiot called an election he will lose wtf?) lol

    If you message me through my profile and let me know where in canada you want to go I can help you more with fun thigns to do (even narrow it down to a province) remember...Canada is almost twice the size of the US)

  7. 1) No we don't hate Americans. We do have a friendly rivalry I think, being neighbours and all. Obviously Canadians think Canada is better and Americans think the US is better. That sort of stuff. But no, we don't hate you guys.

    2) Fun? Of course it's fun! We aren't a nation of boring lazy bums. We have great winter sports, amazing summer activities, lots of friendly & welcoming people to meet. It's just like the US: bars, restaurants, amusement parks, shopping malls, beaches, cottages, ski resorts, etc etc.

    3) Yes, I do think it's better than the US. Our taxes may be a little higher but we have free health care, lower crime rate, amazing education system, low pollution, lower cost of living, diversified cities, and lots of nature.

    4) We don't have a president. He's a Prime Minister (Stephen Harper). And whether he is "better" or not than Bush is a matter of personal opinion and everyone's answer will be different. My answer: EVERYONE is better than Bush.

    Anyway, I suppose the difference between Canadians and Americans is that we aren't so insane about politics as Americans seem to be. Harper hasn't declared war on anyone, so I think that rates quite highly in my book. Also, he uses proper grammar in public speeches, haha! But aside from that I don't really pay much attention to politics and it suits me just fine.

  8. I've lived in America for practically my whole life, but I'm Canadian and I go back there a lot so I know what it's like. I don't hate Americans, and my parents don't either. (They're Canadian too.) It's fun. Victoria's really nice. You should go see Niagara Falls too. I like it better there, cause that's where all of my family lives. And they have really good donuts. And I don't think anybody could be worse than Bush.  

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