
If anyone wants good math problems to challenge them, here you go!!!?

by  |  earlier

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These are the problems:

1.Answer the Following questions with this paragraph:

The Campbell's drove 863 miles from Austin to St. Louis in 2 days. Both Doug and Kris drove their Acura at 66 mph. They left Austin on Wednesday morning at 8:30 am and drove the 200 miles to Dallas where they stopped for lunch. Then they drove the 262 miles from Dallas to Tulsa where they stopped for the night. The Campbell's left Tulsa Thursday morning at 8:00 am and drove the 192 miles to Springfield, MO. where they had lunch. They took an hour for lunch then drove the rest of the way home to St. Louis.

~ About what time did the Campbell's eat lunch in Dallas?

A. 10:30 am B. 11:00 am C. 11:30 am D. 12:00 noon

~About what time did the Campbell's get to Tulsa?

A. 3:00 pm B. 3:30 pm C. 4:00 pm D. 4:30 pm

~ About how many miles is it from Springfield to St. Louis?

A. 104 miles B. 109 miles C. 192 miles D. 154 miles

~ About what time did the Campbell's get home in St. Louis?

A. 2:15pm B. 3:15pm C. 3:45pm D. 4:15pm

2. Doug drove 4/5ths of the way from Austin to St. Louis. Kris drove the rest of the way. Approximately how many miles did Doug drive? How many miles did Kris drive?

A. Doug- 750 miles, Kris- 110 miles B. Doug- 420 miles, Kris- 440 miles C. Doug 645 miles, Kris- 215 miles D. Doug 690 miles, Kris- 170 miles.

Solve the following:

1. 20/B = 12/15 2. B+30= 75 3. B+75= 30

4. 3/7= 21/N 5. 20/30= N/9 6. 48/42= 32/N

In baseball, to figure out how many games a team is behind the first place team one must first subtract the number of wins of each team. Then the number of losses must be subtracted. The two differences are then addded together and divided by two.

The current standings are: Wins Loses

Seattle 62 21

Oakland 60 22

California 48 35

Texas 40 41

How many games is California behind Seattle?

A. 28 B. 13 1/2 C. 14 D. 14 1/2

How many games is Oakland behind Seattle?

A. 2 1/2 B. 1 1/2 C. 1 D. 3

How many games is Texas behind Seattle?

A. 20 1/2 B. 11 C. 21 D. 22

If Seattle lost 2 games and Oakland won 3 games, how many games would Oakland be ahead of Seattle?

A. 1 B. They would still be behind C. 1/2 D. 3

If Texas lost 4 games and Oakland won 2, how many games would Texas be behind Oakland?

A. 11 1/2 B. 22 1/2 C. 23 D. 45

I am making another one too but this one is getting too long so watch for my next one....I will make it in like 5 minutes, give my fingers a break i tyoed all of that!!!!!!!

Well good luck, and I know you can solve these....cuz' I can't!! (i suck at math) Thanks for your time!!! xox




  1. I apologize for my triteness, but I feel like being a point w***e tonight:  I think you think you've found a clever way to get people to do your homework.  You say you suck at math.  Well, I suck at doing other people's homework problems.

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