
If anything is possible is the impossible possible?

by  |  earlier

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Now I have a headache.

So, any 'yes' or 'no' answers?





  1. nothings impossible soo yes

  2. Impossible is not anything. Impossible is nothing and nothing is the opposite of anything.  

  3. if you split up the word impossible, you get i'm possible

  4. If the impossible is possible then does that mean the impossible not becoming possible is possible?

    Dude this could go on forever! haha

  5. Impossibilities are not indefinitely impossible. If they were we would be unaware of them, even as impossibilities.  Therefore it stands to reason that whatever is impossible is impossible only because at some point in the past it was in fact possible. Though it would be illogical to assume that what is impossible today could become possible at some time in the future, because we are not aware of all what is possible and impossible at any given moment in the future.

  6. only if you believe  :)

  7. Anything is possible, but not all is probable.

  8. NO.....beware your head, why is following. ;)

    "IF anything is possible."

    Anything is NOT possible, so the impossible is truly impossible.

    Whoever said/says anything is possible, is wrong and misleading.

    Where's your source?

  9. there is a theory that given infinite time in an infinite universe, all things will happen, even those that are impossible...

    but then again, anybody who says that nothing is impossible obviously never tried to slam a revolving door

  10. ...i'll try...thanks for asking...

  11. Sure. It just takes longer.

  12. I have a headache too! just from reading all this c**p lol.

    uhhhhm i'ma go with a YES. The impossible is very possible. I can stare at a dollar for an hour and it won't turn into a billion dollars. no matter how hard i stare lol

  13. has already happened ...Did you miss it?

  14. exactly.

    but it is also possible that the impossible is impossible.

    since everything thing is possible right?

  15. Anything the mind can concieve is possible to achieve.

    Even what we believe is impossible today may someday be possible.

    Surely if it is within our minds it exists in reality somewhere.

  16. if anything is possible then there is no such thing as impossible.

    this question is dumb.

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