
If are government cares about the environment all a sudden why cant they make cheaper Hybrits?

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If are government cares about the environment all a sudden why cant they make cheaper Hybrits?




  1. Last time I looked are government didnt make hybrits.  In fact, I'm not sure who does make hybrites.

  2. The gvmt doesn't make cars.

  3. for the first government doesnt make them.

    for the second its possible if they want too.

    here in sweden people that buy one get -1700dollars reduction from the price and the gas is cheaper than normal gas.

  4. I think you mean hybrids.

    The reason is Big Oil has too much influence in Washington.

    When who killed the electric car was made it was mentioned that the totally potential tax write off for a hybrid was 2000 dollars but a hummer was 100000.

    The answer is because the portion of Washington in the pockets of big oil don't want it any other way.

    From what I understand, according to the "11th Hour" Exxon Mobile makes more money that all the auto makes in the world put together.

    In short the government doesn't subsidizes green technology like it should because of the greed of other people. In other words because many of those in a position of power are morally defunct.

  5. the goverment dont care about global warming--that is the problem

    and they dont make cars>

  6. We have a conservative republican government that has been in charge for the last 8 years (right, Liss?).  They have blocked enforcement of the clean air and clean water acts, and frozen funding of all the significant scientific research (including global warming).  Upon taking office they immediately killed funding to all the products that were ready for the marketplace, and put it all into hydrogen (which is at least 50 years away, minimum), and a bunch of totally worthless hybrids like the Volt.  If you must have a hybrid, the Japanese make by far the best one available.  It's available for a price no more ridiculous than these gas burner relics they insist we continue using.

    I'm assuming you're an American, because if you weren't you wouldn't be asking this question.

  7. Because "are" government doesn't make or sell "hybrits"

  8. It's Hybrids, by the way.

    The government isn't meant to subsidize things like this.  The government is for protecting us from invading armies.  Liberals and their huge government telling us when to eat and c**p and work, and sleep.

    We shouldn't have to pay for people to have Hybrids.  If governments step in for this, it means more taxes, which we all pay...I for one do NOT want to be paying for your hybrid car.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    They block these things because they ear-mark ridiculous spending and make an otherwise mild bill, extraordinarly huge.  If the liberals would stop ear-marking special interest funding, they'd go through.  Look at your lightbulbs for instance.

    Edit:  Arg, typoes.  Spell Check doesn't catch Play and The in the wrong spots!  :D

  9. Have you any idea what it costs to add a second motor and a huge battery to a car?

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