
If ask a question about Mexicans or Asians, or Whites am I a Racist?

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I know there is one group that we are not allowed to ask a question about. Is this "Equal"




  1. no..but it depends what you ask

  2. Depends on what you ask, really, but no, it doesn't automatically make you a racist.

  3. If that is not allowed, then cancel me.  Let's keep in mind that although all races are equal, many come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things.  Nothing wrong with different or educating yourself or others about it.  

    When it gets out of hand is when you start stereotyping unfairly.

  4. probably yes, people seemed compelled to exaggerate and misconstrue questions or comments in a way which will make you look bad and create drama.

  5. You can ask questions about any groups, including blacks, as long as they are not masked diatribes against the race in question.

  6. you can ask anything you want, it's a free country, but do it respectfully

  7. Consider that part of the definition of racist is: "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities". Based on this, the only questions you should be asking would be those about a particular society's "culture", (or those about human beings in general) to remove it from being an issue or race.  However, the other part of the definition is: "and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race". So, if you don't believe that, then you're not racist. You're just like a lot of other people (including myself) who unintentionally, or intentionally, turn issues into racial ones.

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