
If at 1st you irritate....Would a follow up be accepted?

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Survivors’ Anonymous

Here I go again

Trying to fit in

Another day on trial

As I justify my denial

Hiding amidst a society

That can’t indulge sobriety

Whatever it takes they say

To get you through the day

I guess count to ten if you must

Bow down and pray In God We Trust

Take it easy one day at a time

One beer after work isn’t a crime

Chase the pain with some dessert

A glutton for escapism bring on the hurt

Life one on one seems a bit much

Better when two succumb to the touch

Perhaps turn the page on a sordid novel

Find yourself in the bottom of a bottle

Exorcise your demons while running the race

Burnt out eyes stuck on a happy face

Do what you will for you own thrill

Peace is now waiting in a pretty little pill

No wrong or right in man’s so called democracy

Forgiveness is balanced in a shot of hypocrisy

Maybe for you it’s not booze or dope

The safe way home is at the end of a rope

Hi. My name is Hydropro. I’m a survivor.





  1. I like it until "One beer after work isn't a crime" After that, in my opinion, you loose it

  2. One step into a bar and twelve to get out.

    I like living too.

  3. Your poem is very graphic.

    Had the poet not survived, the world would be poorer for it today.

  4. Demons come in many ways to haunt.  Obvious you have encountered and survived many to date.  Thanks for sharing this story.

  5. Personally, I like being inebriated, as long as everyone else is the designated driver...

  6. If there are not two steps in place

    Don't step back, stand in place,

    without step two, all that is behind

    is the same quicksand.

    you can't do this for some one else,

    it has to be for yourself. Not to prove or make a point.

    To unlock the door to relief, and life time victory!, for self.

    Edit, It takes one to know one, I knew who you were, by your second poem read.

  7. You are indeed one of the best survivors I have had the privilege of meeting.  This life is probably not a dress rehearsal, grab every golden experience, share kind words, write poetry!  


  9. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."  Nietzsche

  10. In losing everything

    we find ourselves;

    if we can only manage

    to survive the loss.

  11. How strange that some that read

    your words,really can not see,

    It surely is not difficult,

    For like you there are


    tortured by lifes offerings,

    scathed and so afraid,

    uncertain of awakenings that fill

    their empty days.

    What lays ahead,

    we do not know,

    just hope to make it through.

    Tomorrow is a new day,

    waiting there for you.

    And as with every new day,

    our struggle will begin,

    but for us,

    we have the beauty,

    of recognising

    we may sin.

  12. Can I get that life extra spicy? I'll gladly pay the extra cents. Stay strong

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