
If atheist's did not exist where would they ........?

by  |  earlier

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most likely be ?




  1. I'd probably still be in the US.

  2. ?.  Why is there an apostrophe s after atheist?

  3. I'm going to take a guess and say Earth.

  4. What????

    Uhhhhhh, nonexistant????

  5. ...

    I used to believe there were no stupid questions... until now.

  6. No where... your question is based on the premise they don't exist, therefore they wouldn't be any where.

  7. Atheists have always existed.  Maybe it is me, but why doesn't your question make any sense?

  8. Pastafarians...

    That's a ridiculous question btw....

    What if "not believing in Zeus" did not exist? What if "not believing in unicorns" did not exist....see maybe now you'll see how ridiculous your question is....

  9. Where?  In Oz.  We like the flying monkeys and the little people.

  10. If we didn't exist we wouldn't be anywhere.

    Ridiculous question of the day.  

  11. nowhere

  12. Rotated 90 degrees in the complex plane, probably.

  13. i'm sorry but this question doesn't make sense are you talking baout the name atheist thn it' just be called people who don't believe  in god or if you really want to search the exact proper definitio of atheism or do you mean the actual people...then everyboday would believe in something i guess

  14. How can somebody be somewhere - anywhere - if they don't exist?


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