
If being big boned is just a myth than why do some people have a larger head than others?

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I noticed Some people who are overweight, still have a small head, and look good in the face, and when they lose weight they look good because their body is somewhat slender with good muscular genetics, and a head that is proportionate to the size of their chest and body.

While other people, seem to be cursed with having a large head, and can be the exact same height and weight as another person. I know they say being big boned is a myth, and I actually do believe it, but I am questioned with the fact someone I know lost 50 pounds, but looks even worse thin than he did Fat. Because of his large head and chest frame.

Sometimes it seems some people are better off fat, and are more attractive in that state.




  1. Being big boned isn't a myth. There are three body types - small, medium and large frames. People with smaller bones are small framed, while people with bigger bones are large framed. You can figure out your frame type by taking your thumb and middle finger and wrapping them around your wrist. If your fingers overlap, you're small framed, if they just touch, you're medium framed and if they don't touch at all, you're large framed. So yes, everyone's bone size is different.

  2. It is thought that people with a larger head, and with a straight forehead carry a much larger brain than average but it does not mean that  they are more clever than most. What i have noticed though over the years is that artistic types seem to fall into this category, painters, conductors, and many intellectuals like lecturers, mathematicions, and the like.

  3. People come in all shapes & sizes - start the day clean and tidy, eat well, exercise moderately and enjoy yourself!

  4. being big boned it not a myth but the size of the skeletal structure has no bearing on the body composition or the amount of muscle and fat that a person has.  the diet and lifestyle is what determines that.

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