
If bin laden is a terrorist, the isnt the former Prime Minister of Israel Begin also a terrorist?

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he blew up the King David Hotel in Palestine and killed 93 people. doesnt that make him a terrorist? and if not, why not?




  1. he is THE TERRORIST !! but not only the former... the former and recent .. and the coming also .. ! ISREAL IS THE TERROR  !! they are killing distroying and doing what ever they want to do .. and no body can say any F***ing thing .. because they have been Hulurcosted ( as they Claim).. so if some one hits once .. you can walk around and kick everybody`s B*** !! and no one can judge you for your actions ... because you are a VICTIM  B.S. !!! man ... its so strange world .. !!!!!!

  2. He is. The US just doesn't see him as one because he's an ally. Which is bullshit IMO.

  3. No. It doesn't make him a terrorist because they warned all of the people in the hotel beforehand that they were going to set off a bomb, and they told the people to get out. They didn't believe them. Terrorists don't give warnings.

  4. the word terrorist is very relative to your situation.... i'm sure many people think mr. bush is a terrorist, with good reason.  terrorism is defined as "the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion".  so the (lets say hypothetical) use of terrorism its-self to push your policy through the house/senate or to get people to accept frivolous military action would definitely qualify as terrorism.  i'm sure the bombing of that hotel was to send a "don't mess with us" kind of message or statement which essentially would, technically qualify as terrorism.

  5. All the Israeli leaders have been terrorists,including Olmart,who is still a terrorist.They have used the Holocaust to justify their own atrocities.If you dare to criticise them,the accuse you of being Anti-Semitic,which is total nonsense.

  6. Yes it does, even more his organization participated in the murder of over 100 innocent, otherwise peaceful people in the massacre at Deir Yassin.

    During WWII, Begin was helping the fascist enemies of Britain by blowing up railroads and ambushing British soldiers.  Their attacks included deliberate targetting of civilians.  The breakaway Stern gang, or Irgun, sought an alliance with the n***s while Jews were being slaughtered in Europe, after Stern was killed the Irgun was led by none other than future Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.

  7. israel was founded by terrorism ageist the native Palestinians, were do you think they learned it?

  8. Yes he was a terrorist, at the time. So was Yasser Arafat, and he later won the Nobel Peace prize. In other words- terrorism does work in order to terrorise your opponents into making concessions.

    By extension the "shock and awe" invasion of Iraq might also have been a terrorist action, since many people were terrified for a long time, and readily conceded to the US.

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