
If blackjack dealer and player have a tie, what happens?

by  |  earlier

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  1. its a one wins

  2. its considered a push

  3. If it is a superfun 21 and the 2 tie at blackjack, the player gets paid.  If it is any other table the push happens.  Actually they fly in carrier pigeons that send special messages to all your friends telling them you won nothing, and lost nothing.  If you don't have your own carrier pigeon, or pigeon route, they will allow you to purchase one on time payments.

  4. no one wins and the dealer ditches the cards.  Note that a blackjack (1st two cards of a hand equal 21) beats any other 21

  5. in most casinos its a push tie u keep ur bet in some charity games the house wins which is a bad rule

  6. It depends on the house rules.  Each casino has their own house rules for table games such as Blackjack.

    But most commonly a draw is called a push.  You get your bet back and don't lose.  But in some casinos you lose if you tie.  Obviously this really improves the house edge, and should be avoided.

    For example if the casino calls 17/17 a loss then the house edge increases by 1.87%.  If the casino calls it a loss if you tie on 17 or 18 their edge goes up by 3.58%.

    If you are in a really bad casino and they call all ties over 17 a player loss, their edge goes up by 8.88%.  That's a pretty nasty rule.

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