
If blacks and whites are equal the why is every black country "undeveloped"?

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The only places where blacks appear to have decent lives are places where whites run the show such as the US, Aruba, etc.




  1. That's their fault. Why would whites be responsible for a black country.

  2. The results of the Bell Curve could explain alot.

  3. ooookay. i assume you are being sarcastic right???

    your question in itself explains why racists are racists... ignorance and blindly following due to fear. the pure non willingness to reach out, do the research and look into what they actually believe....

  4. Let me start by saying this question is not racist at all. I, for one, will answer it civilly. The answer is part geography, part racism, and part politics.

    Geographically, Africa is a poor continent for agriculture. Eons ago, it was the center of the last true supercontinent, and was entirely desert. It also contained the continental shield for the supercontinent -- a wide swath of solid rock that formed the center of the continent. This translates into very poor soil and little opportunity to grow cash crops or food. This is especially true of sub-saharan Africa. Of course, Saharan Africa is still a desert and nothing can grow there. Africa does not have a Kansas or a Ukraine and thus has difficulty producing its own food.

    Second, cultures and civilizations were doing just fine in Africa until ~1600. From then until 1950 or so, things just got worse and worse. First, Africa constantly lost population due to the slave trade and got -- at best -- a raw deal from the Europeans. Eventually the Europeans just marched in and colonized almost all of Africa. (Ethiopia is the only country in Africa to not be colonized!) After most nations achieved independence between 1945 and 1960, the Europeans abandoned them and the nations fell into dictatorships and ethnic warfare that continues to this day.

    Finally, there is AIDS, which has decimated the population and just about ruined any chance of building a strong Africa.


    However, if your question is really "Why have no black countries succeeded without white intervention?" then you are unknowingly asking a logical fallacy! Ethiopia suffers from horrible droughts and disease; the rest of Africa has been colonized in the past by Europe. This also applies to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and other Caribbean nations.

    Remember, you could ask the same thing about Asian nations just 40 years ago, when Japan was on the rise. Since then, we've seen the rise of South Korea, and most importantly China and Indonesia -- two countries with almost no Western influence. In the end, every country and every area of the world matures and develops at different rates; to say that black quality of life and white government are cause and effect would truly be racist.

  5. Sure, go and read your history books,just because some so called underdeveloped country's don't seem to have the same standards of living it always amazes me that the "white or western " way of civilisation is the best. You should read the rise and fall of the British Empire or even the rise and fall of the Roman empire and you may realise that it will only take time to see the rise and fall of western civilisation.Do you really believe that the west can survive without the resources of the places around the world that exist without the white man running the show ,mainly by subjugation

  6. *heavy sarcasm* ok yeah you dont sound racist at all.  dont think that if you ask questions like these you wont get insulted because if your going to be an a hole like that then yeah people will insult you

  7. Your basic assumtion is wrong.  All black counties are not underdeveloped, and all white places are not civilized.  Spend some time researching the backhills of Appalachia, for example.  Abject poverty, lack of amenities and a very high infant mortality rate.

    Conversly, Egypt, which is nothing near underdeveloped, is nearly 100% dark skinned and is considered to have set the foundation of all of civilization.

    Aruba is a tourist resort.  Many of the "natives" are employed by the tourist industry and in the outskirts the folks live pretty well.  

    Culturally we are very different, but that does notmake out lifestyle superior.  We have higher rates of cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes than most so-called 3rd world countries.

    Recheck your basic assumptions against fact and I think you'll get a different perspective... racist or not.

  8. You can not expect people to answer your question because you asked a half *** question. If you are going to put yourself out there you better come better then that. I have already wasted to much time on your ignorance......

  9. It is my belief that all humans are equal in the most basic way. Everyone has a choice on how they view themselves relative to the rest of the world. I think that racism generally is based on insecurities about ones own place in the world.

    However overlooking that part of the question and focussing on the discussion of why much of the world is "undeveloped" or third world is interesting. Note that there is a distinction between "civilized" and developed.

    Now with the preface out of the way I will take a shot at this.

    Many of the depressed undeveloped areas of the world were previously colonized or controlled by developed nations. Part of the strategy was to disband families, move the adult men to other areas to provide slave labor, and of course to extract as much as possible from the region to send back to the home country.

    Spanish taking gold out of Latin America, English control of India, the Dutch, Belgians and French in Africa. The French in Southeast Asia.The Portugese in Brazil, there are literally hundreds of examples.

    Now we are looking at regions with a lot in common, generally situated around the equatorial band, with lush productive climates. On top of that there was untapped resources and undeveloped space. And of course natives of equatorial countries tend to be darker skinned.

    Now take a look at what is left behind when the developed countries left.

    A population that has lost generations of knowledge, continuity, and skills due to living under a different system. For example hunters being forced into farming to feed people in another country lose the traditional skills that would have enabled them to go back to their previous lives. Probably growing a crop with limited benefit when it comes to substintence.

    In other cases there are clearly world issues caused by the withdrawal that are continuing to manifest today. Tribes that hate each other because of special status imposed by  colonists, the partition of India in 1948 is still at the root of many issues.

    Finally in closing consider the effect of being in one of these countries, having a different type of person come in, break up your families, tell you that you are a possession. It would p**s you off, however when you are born into it generation after generation it becomes a message that informs the way you conduct yourself in the world.

    This is all summarized by saying that a large part of the "undeveloped" world is that way at least in part due to the legacy that the developed countries left behind post colonialism.

  10. why does that matter? god made every man equal so you don't gotta be racist about it.

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