
If blasphemy against the holy spirit is the only unforgivable sin, how do you get away with suicide?

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Does that mean I can repent after death?




  1. Who told you that blasphemy is the only unforgivible sin  ...who has the #$!@% authourity to SAY THAT????  READ THE BIBLE.  STAY AWAY FROM CHURCHES.

  2. You cant ask forgiveness.

  3. Thats the great christian get out clause. Everything will be just fine as long as youre REALLY sorry for all the naughty things you did.

    How convenient.

  4. surely you jest.

    don't waste peoples' time

  5. suicide is not a Sin

    Does that mean I can repent after death? no

  6. My thoughts on suicide:  You can't repent because your are no longer alive to do so, you can't seek forgiveness if you're dead.  

    As to whether blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is forgivable or not,  Read your Bible.  Just so you know where to look, here it is, in red, the words of Jesus.  Not my words or some church's word or a denomination's word.   Get your Bible out and see if it's not there.

    Matthew 12 :31  Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men:  but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

    Mark 3:29  But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

  7. You dont

    If the suicide is selfish, then you go to h**l.

    The people who suffer and suicide is the only option, such as the people jumping from the World Trade Center towers, can truly repent, and trust Jesus in the moment, and do the deed. They will not be punished.

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