
If boss knows about sexual harassment committed on someone in his dept and does nothing...

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Here's the situation. I work in an office with people from two different departments. My boss is the boss for 6 other people in the office, including a sweet new girl who is just out of college, very young and inexperienced as far as proper office etiquette.

Also in our office is another manager who does not report to my boss, but still out-ranks the rest of us. This other manager, although he is quite openly g*y, on two separate ocassions has sexually harassed the new girl. The first time was at an off-property event, he took a picture up her skirt with the camera on his phone, then sent the picture to various people in the office on their cell phones. The second time was in the office during business hours, he touched her b*****s and raised her skirt.

I did not witness either situation, but many others in my office did. My boss did witness the camera-phone incident and is aware of the skirt incident. However, he is doing NOTHING about it. I am afraid she is so young that she does not realize the seriousness of what took place.

What, if anything, should I do about this? I am the second most senior person in the office, and my boss does not seem inclined to take any action whatsoever.

Serious answers only. Thanks!




  1. Unfortunately, there is no legal action that you can take, since you did not witness either event. Like the posters above me said, I would try and stay out of it. You don't want to get involved in that kind of case. If the girl comes to you on her own, then that's a whole other story. But otherwise, I'm afraid that all you can do is give that guy the stink eye...

  2. Tread lightly... sexual harassment claims are not taken lightly by any business.  If the girl has not complained about it, then I suggest you let it go.  If it bothers you too much to let those two events go, then speak to your boss and ask him to discuss the other manager's behavior with the manager.  I suggest you don't tell the new girl that she could have sexual harassment claims against her bosses or the business because, believe me, you'll look worse than she does if she does seek to file charges.  

    One question I have, if the other manager is openly g*y, why is he touching the girl's b*****s and lifting up her skirt?  

  3. You can do nothing - the complaint has to be lodged by her.

  4. You should do nothing about it. As you said - you did not witness either event.

    If the events bothered the girl - then she should go say something to the boss about it. You don't have a dog in the fight.

    You can be moral support for the girl if she needs it -- but other than that - I'd stay out of it. But I would only say something to her if she comes to you on her own for advice. I would not approach her or bring the subject up with her.  

    It's entirely possible that the boss did do something about it but you don't know. Frequently when supervisors take disciplinary action against another employee  it's not public information.  The boss does not send out an announcement  stating that he reprimanded someone Unless someone is fired - this gets handled behind closed doors and only the parties involved know about it.

    Since you are not one of the parties involved - I'd stay out of it.

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