
If both my parents had O+ blood, what possible blood types could I be?

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I'm actually B+, which surprised me. I always thought I was O+ as well.




  1. Just an opinion. With diseases like diabetes the genes get 'turned on' later in life and there is an adult onset of diabetes. That runs in my family. Blood type is a bit different does not change like that of course. Perhaps one of your parents carried the B blood group gene but is was 'turned off' that is a factor inhibited the production of the B antigens. Whereas the development of your blood type you did not have this inhibitor and your blood was normal so the B antigens were free to develop.

    The Rhesus factor runs in my family. My older brother got sick and died from this. My younger brother was saved through medical intervention. Maybe something in my blood turned off the immune response which causes the blood disease. My father was O Rh- and my mother A Rh+ and I am type O Rh+. Blood is very complex and it can cause problems for children whose parents have incompatible blood types. This is an interesting issue.

  2. you can be any type of blood, O blood is ressecive, so if you granparents had A, you might have A... or B or anything else.

  3. A child has to be the same blood group as one of his/her parents - but now you've got me looking into the Bombay Blood issue......

  4. 99 times out of a hundred, a B child with O parents...has a B father.

    But maybe you are that 100th person...

  5. Just go to the doctor and they'll tell you.

  6. If both of your parents are O, then they are both homozygous recessive for the o allele and are therefore oo.  That means you had to get an O allele from each of them and would have to also be type O.  

    The Rh+ factor is dominant though, so your parents could be heterozygous for it, + -..  So, you could be either + or -.  

    But, two parents with type O cannot produce a child with type B unless there are some very rare extenuating circumstances, like the Bombay effect.

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