
If both parent are allergic to..........?

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penacilline would you recomemd not giving it to there child?

we are both allergic to penacilline and my mumj was told to not let my brothers and sisters have it as they have a higher chance of being allergic. i was just woundering when we have a child

1) is there an increased risk the child would be allergic to penacilline?

2) if it was you would you give you child penacilline if the doc told you they wanted to give it or would you make them use an alternitive?




  1. with these sort of things you cannot tell.

    I have developed an allergy to penicillan.. but i wasnt allergic as a child!

    Leave it up to the GP to decide at the time of the appt

  2. there is a slight chance of this happening just be careful i recommend on using an alternative just in case plus if its in a cream and you have to use it it could set off your allergies hope this helps and good luck :D

  3. I suggest that you consult  your doctor and then when and if  you have a child  you ask  your doctor for a referral to a paediatric allergist (St Thomas if you are near London) Good luck

  4. Better safe than sorry.

  5. That is definitely a question I'd raise with the pediatrician rather than trusting whatever answer you're given here.

    But our children's doctor told us that if parents have allergies of any kind, it is much more likely their children will also have allergies -- but not necessarily to the same things.  So parents who are allergic to cats may have a kid who's allergic to peanuts, or parents allergic to penicillin may have a kid who's allergic to latex.  

    One thing that may be slightly reasurring is that penicillin allergies are rarely life-threatening, at least the first time you have a reaction.  Generally kids get a rash and after that you just avoid penicillin and use one of the many alternatives.

    Again, though, it's an issue for the pediatrician!

    edit -- if your reaction was that severe, I can understand your concern! again, I'd raise it with the pediatrician, but there are so many alternatives I expect they'd be happy to make you feel better by giving other options and/or prescribing an Epipen just in case.

  6. No one is born allergic to penicillin, but you can develop an allergy to the drug once you've been exposed to it. After that, re-exposure to penicillin or related antibiotics can trigger an allergic reaction.

  7. I don't believe penicillin is very much used anymore.  It think in the past it was probably overused.  They use some different antibiotics now.

  8. Just make sure you tell the dr. It may not be passed onto your child but it's best to give them the information.

  9. i would talk to your doctor . i know i am allergic to penacilline but my sons dad is not . my son ended up having a reaction to it . just brokeout in a rash . if you have that severe of a reaction they yes talk to your doctor . they do have other alternatives .

  10. There is a greater risk that your child would be allergic. You can request an alternative. My family has a high allergy to penicillin and codeine, so we avoid it at all cost.

  11. When a child of mine was prescribed anything, the Doctors asked Hubby & I were asked about our allergies.

    I have a lot of drug allergies, which had passed on to at least one of my son's (I have 5 - 4 are biological)

    My doctors know I don't risk my son's health, and they take my allergies seriously. I would be explaining to your doctors from the time you become pregnant, and also look into other medicines. You'll be amazed what you can find.

    I have never had them force my kids to take medicines, that could make them ill.

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