
If both the Iraqi People & their Parliament ( elected!!!) want us to leave...why stay?

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The Us is still holding more than 50 billion $ of Iraqi money in the Fed bank...that was "frozen because Saddam was a "threat"...(dead now) The US is holding this money hostage in the hopes of getting Oil leases and permanent bases...which the Iraqi's will never agree to...(more blood?)




  1. Because the Bush administration and all their corporate buddies making a fortune off this war of lies don't really care about what the Iraqi people want.

    If we left now they'd make a little less money and that would be bad for them.

    The US is controlling Iraq. It really doesn't matter what the Iraqi government wants. It's a puppet regime that was just put up for show, and doesn't get to decide what happens in Iraq.

  2. Its simply daylight robbery!

  3. I'm reminded of the 'family time' when one child says "let's vote", all the children say "Yeah, let's vote on it!". It is usually pops that puts down the rebellion, with "This is not a democracy."

    Regime change begins here, at home.

    All the while we are educating each other, the speculators continue raping us all. Market forces (hidden agendas) are driving the value of oil. BS. Simple profit motives.

  4. Ask Bush.

  5. Because the US were not there in the first place to bring democracy. You see it now. They ask the US to leave but Bush try to find every excuses in the book to stay. Democracy my a$$.

  6. We NEED to stay because, we (and the world) need/demand Iraq's oil so we can keep typing on our plastic petroleum based keyboards, driving on our oil streets, wearing our synthetic based (oil) clothing, etc...

    The blood is on our own hands, this is reality.

  7. OIL of course.

    They want the oil but "someone" keeps blowing up the pipes.

    why do you think they want to go into iran? nothing to do with nuclear power - but because the USA wants the OIL.

    The nuclear issue is a false flag and a lie.

  8. Americans made a mess out of that country, now they need to stay and clean it up!!

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