
If brown hair and brown eyes are recessive will blondes and red heads disappear?

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also lots of people are intermarrying as well




  1. Since the child may still be a red head or a blond despite it being a recessive and a child with brown hair may still carry the genes for red headed or blond children it will not disappear entirely even if every blond and red head person married brown haired people. Now, if you applied this to a very long period of time and neglected further mutation than yes they would disappear.

  2. Recessive? More like dominant.

    Well the way society is going, redheads and blondes will start to be outnumbered. They won't "disappear" because their genes will still be passed on.

    Also, nowadays you can't tell if a person's hair color is real, they could've dyed it. So people will still be able to dye their hair, but natural blondes and redheads will be rare.

  3. Brown hair/eyes are both dominant alleles.

  4. uhm no

    recessive means that it is the less dominant trait....

    that means that more blondes and red heads will show up in offspring...

    if you accidentally phrased it wrong....

    you meant dominant.

  5. Nope, because all those dark people will have recessive genes from their parents or grandparents that will combine with recessive genes from their partner and out will come more blondes and redheads.  My husband and I both have dark hair, our daughter is blonde as blonde can get.

  6. Do you mean dominat?

  7. That's an interesting q!

    i think though that the it would still be passed on, there will always be diversity..

    Just not as much due to as you said, intermarrying and the plain fact that brown hair/brown eyes are more dominant.

    You should also factor in though that intermarrying can yield different hair/eye colours..

    some of the most beautiful eyes I've seen are from mixed individuals in some cases, none of the parents had any special eye colour

    and also, we just never know what trait a person has in their genes...

    Just my opinion though, lol i don't know for sure

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