
If bruce lee and chuck norris were in the ufc, would they be successful?

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both in their prime, would they kick ***, or would they get their *** kicked




  1. Bruce Lee couldn't make weight in the UFC, he's too light. He could go to the WEC and fight on the lighter classes, with his skill and athleticism he would probably dominate there.

    Chuck was a champion in full contact karate, he has cross-trained in several other styles, so perhaps he could've done well.

  2. bruce lee is too light but without question would dominate his weight class because he studied many styles and chuck norris would be great in his weight class he also studied many art they arent as good as some say but there is a reason they are comnsidered good they were great fighters in their prime theyrd be good if bruce lee followed the rules that is he didnt train to not kick a mans in the balls wgebn they weere exposed

  3. Assuming they could enter (weight limits, whatever):

    Bruce Lee's JKD essentially was mixed martial arts... He could generate some serious power, and knew ground fighting as well as numerous other arts.

    Chuck Norris has some association with a MMA group now, and has some background with other arts. Still seems to have a bit of that old school "fair fight" mentality...

    I'd say they'd both do pretty well. They're used to rules and limitations so there's no reason that would hinder them. It's not just about skill and strength though, but will to fight. That's a bit harder to qualify.

  4. i think bruce lee would win always he could hit you without even seeing his punch touch you

  5. Bruce Lee refused to compete in the Karate tournaments of the '60s and very early '70s because he said he would not be allowed to use his best techniques: eye jabs; groin kicks; various finger gouges, etc.

    And Muhammed Ali stated that if he fought Bruce Lee in the ring, Ali would win; and if Ali fought Bruce Lee in the street, Bruce would win.

    Also, Chuck Norris was a champion of the non-contact point sparring tourneys of the '60s.

  6. They would lose as they specialized in one discipline. To be successful in the UFC you have to be multi talented in multiple disciplines in order to take on any type of opponent (see GSP, BJ Penn, Anderson Silva). All of these fighters are excellent in multiple disciplines which allows them to adapt and take on different opponents and different styles. Chuck and Bruce were just experts in one discipline, good for the movies, bad for real fighting.

  7. Speed Kills, and Bruce Lee had that in aces.  

    However, as someone mentioned, Bruce Lee didn't like restrictions in competitions.  He came from the old school of fighting, where you fight to live.   Competitions didn't simulate real fighting conditions to him.    

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