
If bush gonna order air strike against Iran Nuclear facilities, will you support his decision?

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Despite might result iran attack u.s. interest and tumble the region of oil supply (all oil ship in the persia gulf pass by Iran front door = 1/3 of all oil) how much are we expect the gas price be, are you still gonna support the decision?




  1. YES - Iran is failing to meet requirements and has sworn that Israel and the US will be wiped off the map.

    Yah, I really want them having WMD;s.

  2. What difference does it make if we support him or don't support him, the outcome will be the same, he will do what he wants to do , we have no say , we are not as democratic as  we would like to think we are. Iran is about as much of a threat as Irag was, just hyped up rhetoric . We have enough missiles to blow the world up 10 times over, all we have done is make the world less safe, wont be long that we will be in a new cold war with Russia , if not a hot war, if we keep up with our ways.

  3. I didn't support his decision to invade Iraq and I certainly won't support any action against Iran, but what's the difference as already said here..he'll do whatever he wants anyway

  4. No.That would have to be one time i'd have to say no,Mr President,I do not agree.

  5. It makes no difference if we support his decision or not- we are not a democracy , so he can do what the wishes- less then 25% support him, but he does what he wishes- on everything!

  6. Bad idea. Leave other countries alone. They didn't airstrike the Manhattan Project even though our government was plotting a puppet government against them.

  7. Yes, I would support it if -IF- all other avenues had failed and Iran was about to launch missiles.

  8. Yes. Iran, led by it's loony wackos, cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. No matter what.

  9. I don't support it. It'll spark WWIII, Russia and China back Iran decision to have nukes. We can't do anything or get ready to mobilize.

  10. Technology News-

  11. I will never agree on any of bushes decisions.

    Because they are bad and make more people hate our country

  12. I hope not.  If they do, I bet it will be a fast strike unilaterally with no diplomacy.  they are gonna say that iran fired some missle and retaliate.  they know the american public will never support a war so they will make it look like we were defending ourselves.welcome to ww3.

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