
If bush had not opened America's flood-gates to curruption and got the country involved in so many... ?

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...unnecessary wars, would mccain actually have the chance of a snowball in you-know-where to win this election?





  1. Yes, he would have.  I feel as though Bush's greatest accomplishment in office is bringing the Neoconservative movement to a swift demise.

  2. Aahh your Joe Biden was very much in favor of this war in Iraq, sir! Now would you like to rephrase the question? Mr. George Bush has NOT corrupted this nation..............

  3. For someone who highlights your veteran status, it looks kind of phoney to protest "unecessary wars" don't you think?

    Or are you one of those who protests "my superiors made me do it" and you are just a victim of evil America?

    Don't you believe that winning the War is more important than the election?

  4. I think if Bush actually represented true conservative values, then McCain would have been a shoe-in. By that I mean, restraint in military action, fiscal responsibility, reduction in unnecessary red-tape and spending, etc.

    However, even true conservatives like Barry Goldwater didn't support this brand of "conservatism."  Libertarianism represents true conservatism more nowadays, although the Republicans still tout that they are conservative.

  5. I think you need to get your facts straight. It was clinton that got us into this mess!  President Bush has done nothing but put out all the fires he and pillary started.

  6. Our Government was corrupt way before Bush got into office. Don't kid yourself. McCain has a better than 50% of being the next CIC.

  7. The dems can't end the war because americans know that the wars are/were/ necessary for our national security

  8. Something tells me you are a dishonorably discharged Vet, if a vet at all.

    No vet in the world sits around and badmouths the CIC.

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