
If cain and abel were the first kids born?

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when cain had to leave his home (land) who were the people he was afraid of killing him?




  1. they were not. adam was created on the 8th day but if you read genesis 1:26 you will see mankind and womankind were created on the 6th day nearly 2000 years b4 adam eve wasn't created till the 9th the reason for adam and eve being created at all, and put in paradise (eden0 was so the perfect bloodline through which Christ could be born needed to be created but satan did as he always does and stuck his nose in that too cain had a different father than able

    able was adam's son and ain was the seed of satan himself that is why God said " I will put emnity between thy seed and my seed" meaning u impregnated eve with cain but adam (God's creation) impregnated eve with abel so when cain murdered abel he feared that others (the decendants of the 6th day created people) would harm him but it was all in God's ,aster plan to give us a free will test so the great rebellion will never occur again

    i know i'm gonna hear about this 1 also but too bad it is scriptural read Gen 1:26 and the folllowing verses you will see i am right so i speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may God knows im right and i know im right

  2. Good question!

  3. The neanderthals who evolved from other primates

  4. adam and eve had many kids it was family problems, just like today in your family and mine.

  5. In Genesis 3:20 says and Adam called his wife Eve;because she was the mother of all the living. And then in Genesis 4:1 says:and Adam knew his wife;and she conceived,and bare Cain,and said,i have begotten a man from the Lord."adam and eve were already parents when they got cain and abel, the Bible doesn't says that cain an abel were the only sons of adam and eve,it tells us they re story because of the significance of the first murder.So,Cain was probably afraid of his older brothers and sisters.

  6. his family.  remember they were young ones.  those day, they used to live pass 300 yrs old.  adam was 130 wen he had Seth and died at 800yrs. and he had sons and daughter.

  7. Adam lived 930 years after he was created.  Imagine how many children you could have in all of those years.  Besides that the race was purer than it is today.

  8.   It does pose a bit of a problem when you think of it.

  9. His brothers and sisters and their children.  

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