
If california suddenly wanted to secede from the nation, would you care?

by  |  earlier

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i'd let em go




  1. h**l yes, how could we ever manage with out  all those wonderful screwballs that come up with all those wonderful gismos we all love, besides Steve Jobs would never allow it.

  2. I'd let them secede,,,,then I'd probably move there.

  3. Hey! That's a great idea.

  4. Yes.


    Most of them aren't Americans, anyway.

    CA would starve if it wasn't for our Taxes Supporting it.

  5. Yes, I'd want to move out of it first.

    Honestly, though, we need the coast and the agriculture.

  6. not at all. let 'em go.

    this decision was never rendered by the supreme court.  i'd be happy for them to pursue it.

  7. Id be glad to see them go. Less people the tax payers have to support

  8. N O!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It's not possible.

  10. I live in California, and I'd love it if we seceded.  

    Then all those non-CA whiners who blame CA for all the nation's problems would have to find another scapegoat (and they always do).

    Or maybe once they lose all the benefits California brings to the nation (and discover they've got a new competitor), they might be forced to stop sitting on their butts blaming other people for their problems and DO something about them!

  11. Sure hope you won't mind paying through the nose for all the following (as a separate nation, we'd be sure to charge some nice high prices for them)

    Most of your fruits, vegetables, nuts and wine.

    Most of your semiconductors, computers, and software.  

    Most of your movies and TV shows (perhaps we could charge a special fee to watch our TV shows)

    Of course, we would keep our national parks and forests to ourselves.  You'd have to pay a fee to visit our beaches.

  12. no I wouldn't cuz then all the people who are supposedly the icons of bodies would be gone and then they coudl find more realistic role models

  13. Noooooooooooooooooo!

    Not the state.

    Just the liberals in that state. Or the liberals in the whole country can secede for that matter.

    I wouldn't miss the libs a bit.

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