
If cancers are sensitive, why do they like to make drama?

by Guest21379  |  earlier

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If cancers are sensitive, why do they like to make drama?




  1. You bet they are. My daughter is a total drama queen. However she is very sensitive of others and extremely caring. They (cancers)make drama because they care deeply.

  2. Many Cancerians are sensitive however, many of them keep it to themselves. Cancerians are also very strong (not referring to muscle), highly intelligent and extremely intuitive. Not all cancerians are drama majors.

    Observe the intuitive side of a Cancer, give it time and continue observing. It may be somewhat freaky to you at first....but they will be correct with their intuition most always. Don't try being secretive toward a Cancer, they will know you are holding back and if you are being honest or not.

    Good luck...

  3. All the people that answer this question are not really a cancer themselves so ithink its time you got a cancer's opinion. We cancers don't TRY to make drama we just make to much out of one thing.(Cancers are the best =])

  4. Good question. I have a Cancer male friend and he's the most sensitive person ever. And whenever I say something honest to him, he makes a huge thing out of it. And it ends up that he ignores me for days.

  5. It is not that they necessarily like drama, but because they are sensitive, the drama just follows.

  6. Because it's nice to give people hope,

    and make them feel that their problems are faced by others,

    even if they're made up stories..

  7. I don't know I sit next to one and she drives me crazy.  I would like to know what will calm her down!

  8. I'm not sure of this one, but i know that when a piscean and a cancer fight they are the biggest emotional drama queens! my mom is a piscean and im a cancer and we always get angry for our emotions not being respected.

    Im gona have a stab at this question and say that because cancer is soo emotional they have to bottle up all their emotions inside, and finally when they feel they're emotions are not repsected - that is, they dont think others care about how they feel, they explode all the supressed emotions and demand people to respect their emotions. They need someone understanding, almost like a therapist to help them. This is why many are attached to their mothers because they feel their mothers are the only ones who care deeply enough about them. They care too deeply and feel others dont

    - this my take on the drama crab lol

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