
If car insurance goes up because of a car accident will it ever go back down again??

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I'm a teenager and I was in a car accident. My dads insurance went up, because they blamed it on me. It went from him paying $700 a year to paying $1800 a year...I THINK. Will his car insurance ever go down to $700 a year later on or will it stay at $1800 forever???




  1. The surcharge typically remains for 3 years (some companies for 2) and will go down a bit each year

  2. There are several factors which could lead to discounts in the cost of insurance.  First, because you are a teenager, insuring you is risky business and your parents are paying more because of it.  Second, until you become at least 25 years of age and/or marry, I wouldn't expect any substantial reductions in the cost of insuring you. And, finally, third, you are going to have to maintain a near-perfect driving record to bring the cost of insurance down simply because you had an at-fault accident.

  3. It will go down if you will have good driving record.

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