
If cars have so much affect on global warming...?

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Why doesn't the the government pay for transportation (buses and such)?




  1. Buses are waaay worse than cars if you're worried about the environment!!  It's a different type of pollution.  Anyway, the gov't already does pay for public transportation (I'm assuming you're in the United States and not on the east coast...) and it's NOT the answer.

  2. Governments do pay for other means of transportation, using tax and user money. If you want your local government (which is the level at which such decisions are really made) AND are willing to see your taxes rise to cover purchase costs, insurance, salaries, etc. demand that you city or county government provide such a service.

    Remember that public transit is beneficial for the environment IF the public transit vehicle emits less pollution than its riders would under normal circumstances. In other words, people who would normally drive actually ride the bus, street car, train, etc.

    Secondly, if you are willing to go this far, demand that such vehicles burn clean or at least cleaner fuels.

  3. They do.  Most cities' bus systems are subsidized by the government.

  4. Most of global warming is NOT directly impacted by automobiles and internal combustion as a source of CO2.  

    Mass transit only works in areas of high population like cities so lots of areas can't use mass transit.

    If you look you will find that most bus and transport systems ARE government, MTA or other transit districts.  But government doesn't have any money to pay for it.  So they use taxes and bus fare to cover the the the gas and pay for the bus.

    But turn your question around:  if cars have so much affect on global warming, why don't YOU move to live where you work and eliminate the commute?  Ride a bicycle instead of any kind of transportation.  Walk to work/school.

  5. 50% of greenhouse gasses are not CO2. Cars are a very small but important part of the sollution to GW. Improving energy standards on buildings, slowing the production of methane, burning less of everything, but most importantly we have to clean up our mees in the atmosphere. If we do our part Earth can take care of the rest.

  6. u inhale carbon di oxide with breathing do u stop inhaling

    transportaion has no options

    there is a concept of 'sustainable development'

    know it

  7. Many Govt. encourage CNG use,Green fuel,Pool car system

    and subsidise to purchase EURO NORMS cars.But all are less effective.Stringent measures to be taken.Diesel driven

    cars are to be banned.But who is to bell the cat? VOTE and

    Voters are most powerful.

  8. Another liberal heard from!!!!!

    Yes dear the government should pay for your transportation. And housing, medical care, food, clothing, child care and twice a year they should pay for a vacation to a destination of your choice.

    I know people who have been waiting there entire lives for the gubment to step in and take care of them. They are still waiting. I wasn't nearly that smart. Silly me I went out and got an education, worked hard, started my own business and provided for myself and my family. Now 30 years later what have I got to show for it? All that hard work and all I got was wealthy.

    And to think, I could have been patiently waiting for the gubment to take care of me. Oh, what a fool I have been.

  9. Cars themselves have very little to do with it by its operation. Were they become part of the scheme is by the refining of fuel. That when massive pollution is achieved  at the production level.

    That's  who the governments are protecting and constantly giving tax breaks and subsidies,Who is to blame???

  10. cars do...but there are so many other things that have an effect

  11. Who the h**l wants to ride public transportation seems kind of facist to me. Cars equal freedom. Freedom equals live where want to, drive where I want to when I want to. I love my car and would never use public transport it seems so UNAmerican to me except in New York City where is is so expensive to own a car it make no sence to own one there.

  12. Well in my opinion bush is wack.And im not to political

  13. because

    the government takes money by 'taxes'

    and the government will never know how many people travel in a day by a public transportation

    and what is the use of our salary.

  14. Because then the government wouldnt get extra money,

    and they are money grabbers.

    But I agree, public transport should be free


  15. or even better, if they want us to buy us fuel-efficient cars, LOWER THE PRICE!!! seriously, not all america has a 200k salary!

  16. but cars are not the major reasons for global warming, homes are, we use much more energy at home than in our cars.

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