
If celts beat Cavs and Lakers does taht mean ????

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WEll pierce outplayed both Lebron and Kobe does that mean he is better then them..... LONG LIVE PAUL CELTIC PRIDE,

RAJON RONDO IS THE BEST PG IN THE LEAGUE WOOOO, i bet everyother pg wishes he was him this year. hahaha GO celts he we go sox repeat city this year baby GO BOSTON WOOOOO




  1. Rajon Rondo is a shadow of the player that Steve Nash and Chris Paul are.  I could be a great PG passing to Pierce, KG and Ray-Ray.

  2. hey Kid...settle..Rajon is a fast developing component BUT he isn't fully there the off season and in whatever developmental league the C's have him Rajon needs to work almost exclusively on outside shooting (I believe he's mastered the offense, defending and BEING REALLY QUICK!! lol)...

    Paul did on a number of occasions in this years Playoffs, shut both of those guys down one-on-one and provided CLUTCH points while being defended by them...if the tables were turned BOTH Lebron and Kobe fan drones would be SCREAMING to the high heavens the GREATNESS of their favorite players...Paul will somehow have to console himself with THE FINALS MVP and A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP...

    speaking of which:

  3. well i wouldn't say pierce outplayed kobe and lebron. considering lebron and kobe were going up against the best defense in the NBA while pierce is going up against 2 average (and thats being nice) defenses. He shot 40% against the cavs defense, even with the 41 point game. Then he shot 43% against the laker defense, which isn't exactly a powerhouse on that end. plus rondo isn't anywhere close to being the best PG in the league. when you have 3 all-stars on your team that makes you look alot better than you are.

  4. No, it just means Celts were the better team over the Cavs and the Lakers. Rondo is obviously not the best pg in the league, even if he's my favorite one. Pierce didn't out play Lebron, the Celts used good defense to make sure Lebron didn't score. Pierce and Allen did do a good job defending Kobe, but Kobe didn't defend Pierce, mostly Allen or Rondo. Offensively, Pierce did well, but in the Finals, it was due to the fact that he had an average defender on him. But I still salute to your Celtic loyalty.

  5. nop

  6. i dont think so no offense, because paul had some help in kg and ray and kobe and lebron doesnt have anyone (no offense to pau gasol and lamar

  7. First off Rajon Rondo is NO WHERE NEAR THE BEST PG IN THE LEAGUE> Second, Paul Pierce only outplayed kobe and lebron beacuse of his stacked team. If he was by himself, he wouldnt have even made tha playeoffs. Examplae, winning 23 games last season. He's not better than them.

  8. i guess that means Kendrick Perkins is an All Star Center. Lol. Rondo was pretty good in the finals

  9. Ok buddy lemme explain something about basketball. Just because you win the championship that doesn't mean your the best player. Rondo isn't even in the top 10 best pgs in the league. I doubt hes even in the top 20. The Lakers have 2 better pgs in my opinion.

    Paul Peirce did outplay kobe and Lebron. But it doesn't mean hes better then them. Cavs and Lakers have no defense. Celtics do. Thats why the Celtics one. Thats why Peirce did so great.

  10. no pierce is not better than kobe and lebron he did have better supporting cast but he is up there in best players in the league. rondo however is not as good as people think. If he can be more consistent then he has potential

  11. Ok kid, lets get something straight, b/c the Celtics can beat the Cavs and Lakers, doesn't mean anything. LeBron has no one on his team to help him, he is basically on his own. Kobe can't play good under pressure, he gets too tends and tends to flunk. Plus there is no one good on his team to him him win a championship. They have Gasol, but he choked too. Celtics have 3 Allstars on there team. I like Pierce, he is iight. I bet if your Celtics played the Wizards in the playoffs they would lose. As i recalled in the regular season the Wizards beat the Celtics in almost all they games they played, they only lost what one game to the Celtics. Another thing, Rondo is the worst PG ever, he is a disgrace to all PG. I bet if you put Shaq as a PG he'll play better than Rondo. Don't even put Rondo's name among the rest of PG. Here are some real PG that only Rondo could ever dream to be something like : Nash, Kidd, CP3, Magic, etc. Celtics aint winning another ring again, so enjoy it while you can.

  12. yeah!! celtics fans!! they'll be the champions again in 2009! but this time kevin garnett will be the finals mvp! =D paul out played kobe and lebron..  paul out played lebron coz paul is a veteran and he knows what to do with lebron, and lebron is still young and has alot to learn..but paul really out played kobe bryant..=D thats one of best nba finals i'v even seen.. rondo was really amazing in game 6 agenst the lakers...that was really funny how he pick pocket kobe..=D

  13. Paul P is great for this season.

  14. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Pierce is good but not on either of their level.

    I agree with star baller 360.  Pierce had plenty of help from KG, Allen, and a great supporting cast (Rondo, Cassell, Tony Allen, Posey, etc.).  Lebron has no one to help him and the Lakers played like Kobe had no one.  None of them showed up ready to play in the finals other than Kobe.

    Bottom line is this, you cannot determine a player being better than another just because their team won.  The TEAM decides the overall outcome.  Pierce is phenomenal; but Kobe and Lebron are far better than him.  Look at what Boston did when Pierce had no one like Lebron and Kobe (from the two seasons before this past one).  That should say it all.

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