
If certain feminist think having an advanced degree makes them better, why do they continue to work for others

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men that have advanced degrees end up working for themselves, but women end up teaching at subpar educational programs?, why is that?.




  1. Huh?

    MOST PEOPLE work for other people; including most men with advanced degrees.

    People with advanced degrees have devoted themselves to (usually somewhat esoteric) areas.

    If you're a psycho-sociologist, for instance, doing that work isn't something you can get paid for by starting a business of your own. You work for research institutions, teach, or a combination of the two. That's men AND women.

    Whoever told you that men with advanced dgrees work for themselves didn't know what they were talking about.

  2. Perhaps the women in question are not about making maximum money but making a difference.

    There are more small businesses owned by women than men in the United States, by the way.

  3. Well, to begin with you're making the huge assumption that everyone wants to work for themselves, which obviously isn't true. Most express the desire to work in academia upon completion of their doctorates. You're also stating that (all? most?) men with advanced degrees end up working for themselves, which again is so far from the truth as to be laughable.

  4. I don't know why they don't achieve more, but women get all sorts of breaks when it comes to starting their own business

    ... or being an employee

    But that's fair because women are an oppressed minority, right?

  5. As S.A.N.D. wrote the idea that men with advanced degrees generally work for themselves is pure nonsense. I have an advanced degree and I will probably work for other people for most of my career. I was in partnership once, but administration and general meetings is not my bag, I'm more interested in service provision and research.

    And many women, particularly in fields like medicine and law  don't always end up in sub-par positions.

  6. That's not true and you know it.  MOST men with advanced degrees STILL end up working for someone else.

    For your information, not EVERYONE that has a degree WANTS to have their own business.  Did you ever think of that?  Or do you think that everyone wants the same thing out of life as you?  

    Something smells like selfish!

    edit:  LMFAO!  Hey Patrick, leave my Kotex out of this, and go suck on a leprachaun's d***!  haha!!  I'm irrational every day of the month d***it, and I'm d*** proud!  Because "rational" would be "anything that agrees with your way of thinking", right?

  7. Education is not always about the work you do or the qualification you have.  If our goal in life is to be 'better' or superior than our fellow human beings, it really doesn't matter what you pick as the distinguishing feature of your betterness.  Desire to make something or someone less than ourselves is always used to justify or enable discrimination.  Brilliance comes in many forms, value and worth are words that describe far more than the mathematical and money.  You seem to think self interest is the best way to live and yet you participate in GWS.  I'm sure your smart and 'successful' isn't that enough for you?

  8. Maybe they don't want to be entrepreneurs. So what?

  9. I continue to teach at a state university (I'll make sure to tell them  that some guy on the internet considers them sub par) because starting your own college is not something I want to do.  I do have a consulting business.   I do both - because I love those jobs.  I do make a a fairly good income.  

    You are wrong about men with advanced degrees working for themselves, also.

  10. Working for yourself sounds nice but the realities of it are quite different. For one thing, you have to put in many hours of work and that leaves you with little time to spend with your family or on other activities. Even with all those hours spent, there is still no guarantee of success. More than half of all small businesses fail within the first five years. Then there are taxes, local regulations, and insurance you have to deal with. I have worked at small businesses and freelanced from time to time. The biggest problem I saw was getting clients to pay for their services on time. Many of them didn't pay at all. That doesn't help you when you have bills to pay.

  11. Men and women with MBA's in finance usually work for banks and brokerage houses........not for themselves..............

    if you mean teaching degrees.............I have no idea....

  12. I teach (though I do not consider it work...I enjoy it) for the public.   Most of the public do not have advance degrees and slightly more of them are women. Though some in the public are "subpar" I believe they are as a result of ignorance and laziness, not continuing their education, not making the best of it, or blaming others for their own misfortunes.  Not the educational program it's self (in most cases).

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