
If change is the only constant, does that mean that everyone in our life is not meant to stay with us?

by Guest32335  |  earlier

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If change is the only constant, does that mean that everyone in our life is not meant to stay with us?




  1. there is a wisdom behind this in it self, through which we can conclude the importance of knowing that humamity is one. Where one should say everyone is my brother even if i lose my brother, every girl is my sister , mother even if i do not have and that is what  religions tried to say that u should consider and treat everyone as u treat urself. most people do not understand the purpose of such a wisdom, a process of life.

    Today u r here, the next u may be somewhere else. This wisdom teaches us that the individual should not have deep attachments to things in this changing world of appearances, only to the one who is above  change and is constant does not change ie God.

  2. Everyone Stays with us.....they just change form.

    "See The Unseen :: Speak The Unspoken:: Hear The Unheard

    Touch The Untouched :: Know The Unknown

    Understand The Incredible :: Expect The unexpected.....Experience The Impossible

    Constant Change Is The Only Stable Condition."

  3. If change is the only constant, there never is an "us" to begin with.

  4. It is not a matter of what is "meant" to be, but rather about coming to the understanding that the changing, in the term impermanence, means that from one moment to the next nothing remains the same as it was a moment ago. All is moving, therefore all is changing, in the river of life. We are connected to the all, the one, and therefore each other, so with that in mind we realise that, at the same time, we are alone. By this aloneness I mean in the sense that our total experience is inner, regardless of outer experience. We are the only thinker's in our mind. So, everyone, and every experience, flows through us. None of us are permanent beings, including everyone in our lives. Accepting the comings and goings of our contacts with others, with an open heart and mind, allows us to be at one with each, in each moment that we share, thus we begin to understand that life is not about hanging on to people or things, but is about being there, then letting it and them all go on their way......and we are richer, within, for the experience. It is our inner life, our inner awareness, which goes with us when we leave our bodies. Peace, friend.

  5. no - the people who change at the same pace as you  will probably stay around.

    I am just meeting up with someone I knew 50 years ago

  6. Well, technically yes.  Once we die, we won't really be together.

  7. Yes, unless we leave first everyone in our life will leave us first. We are not to become dependent upon anything in life. I just found out yesterday that my son is moving accross the country & we are so close but we have spent our time together in the most productive way so that if we ever did separate we would value our time together. He is moving to an area I have never been to so I am just trying to think about where he is going & how great his life will be there. I am not upset he is leaving because I know that no one is here to stay in our life in a physical geographical way.

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