
If cigarettes and alcohol are way more dangerous than weed, why is weed illegal?

by  |  earlier

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From what I've looked up on, heard, and seen, weed and marijuana cause no where near the type of damage cigarettes and alcohol do. Sure, weed will give you an immediate effect, but you never hear about someone dying of marijuana or weed. Cigarettes are nothing but addictive cancer sticks, and too much alcohol as we all know is dangerous. If smoking weed isn't nearly as bad as those, why make it illegal so the crime rate can go up? If weed was legal, I bet the crime rates would go down at least 50%, and jails would be way less crowded.




  1. Because the government can't tax it.

  2. well, once upon a time there was a guy named william randolf hearst.  he was a news paper magnate who also alot of corn interests.  hemp rope started cutting into his corn rope profits so he decided to use his newspaper and film contacts to villianize hemp and marijuana.  even paying to have the movie "reefer madness" made this movie sparked paranoia in the public mind leading to the outlawing of marijuana.  so marijuana being outlawed isn't a matter saved lives.  it is a function of profit margins.

  3. weed is illegal because it cannot be taxed. the government and pharmaceutical companies are all into what they are into because of the money. plus, it's not something that people can get addicted to, so the pharmaceutical companies would end up losing even more money. medicines are made to be addictive for a reason- so that companies can waste you away and end up having their pockets filled with gold.

  4. hey girl weed and mary jane are the same thing!!

              and its illegal because the gov. is dumb, and so amsterdam is a huge tourist attraction. weed is legal there! im going there in like 5 months

  5. because you can get high from it.

  6. The Government are a bunch of greedy money grubbing fat cats.

    They realized that they can make more money of it being illegal than they can of the legalization. They grow the weed. Sell it to the big dealer who in turn sell it to the smaller dealers who sell it to the smokers. Thenthey arrest either the big dealer or the small dealer take whatever money or drugs he has. And his house car any thing that they believed to have been bot with the drug money auction that off the resell the stuff and keeps the circle at full throttle

    Hoped this helped


  7. Cuz the law is retarded

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