
If coal keeps odor from refrigerator, will it keep away odors from the bathroom too?

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if i put some kind of ornament in the bathroom or kitchen with coal or charcoal, will it absorb the odor just as it would absorb the odor from the refrigerator?




  1. use baking soda

  2. My experience says definite yes.   I use a product called fridge-it which I guess is made for refrigerators.  Works great there so I started using it elsewhere after reading other reviews.  This product really does eliminate odors.  In bathroom, I leave 3 or 4 around and it just keeps it fresher.  Doesn't work as fast as those sprays that cover up with fragrances, but it does keep air smelling a bit fresher.

    i also use fridge-it odor absorbers clipped onto my trash in my garage - got rid of a really bad problem.  Now, smells fine.  By the way, I also tried another charcoal product which didn't work at all, so I stick with the Fridge It brand.

  3. I'm not sure..but I heard it can be used for all sorts of things like water filters and even to stop an overdose when crushed in a powder and given as a drink with water.

    I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and leave some around!

  4. i don't know about that but in some magazine you can try oranges maybe? I'm not sure, but you could try!

    not sure what magazine it was, you could try glade or outz.

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