
If cold spots are a sign of paranormal activity, why don't researchers ever film them with thermal cameras?

by Guest32537  |  earlier

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Wouldn't a spirit show up as the "warm" spot or at least show "drawing in" of energy to manifest or whatever?




  1. I've wondered about this too. Sometimes I've felt cold spots and sometimes warm spots....where you can walk in and out of them.

  2. I've always wondered the same thing, but I do have to agree with the guy who argued about cold spots being possibly just a pocket of air. A sign of a spirit isn't just a cold spot. It's icy cold. Like you're standing in the snow naked cold. It's an unnatural cold in a warm room but it's usually accompanied by something else. For example, I was watching Ghost Hunters one night and one of the guys was seated on a couch when a cold spot sat down next to him. He actually felt the couch sink as if someone solid had taken a seat. That sort of thing.

  3. They do film the differences in temp readings near a cold spot or even a hot spot.

    The darker the spot, the more cooler the temp.

    The warmer it is, the spot will either be yellow, red, or white.

  4. Take in mind, that in several cases, although the people agree there is a cold spot, thermometers do not show changes, leading to the theory that the cold spot is on a kind of psychic energy felt by the brain, but not a physical reality.

  5. It is being done. Everything you said has been done, and we have many pics of paranormal activity, because of it.

  6. Many investigators use thermal cameras and thermal video cameras. Most amateurs (and those of us without trust funds or TV shows funding) find them excessively expensive. Imagine for instance why UFO Hunters don't use tracking spacing satellites to track UFO positions and you have your answer.


  7. ok lets just explain the cold spots. have you ever been scuba diving near a coast and see a patch of blurry water in the middle of the ocean? well that is a pocket of fresh water floating around in the sea. it doesn't always mix well with the other water. these pockets are also usually cold. the same can happen with air. as a draft moves through a house it creates certain flows. maybe you walked through a draft or pocket of cold air and a being from another plane of existence wasn't actually standing there.

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