
If communism was/is so bad, how would YOU (or your party) directed China in the past century?

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Let's say starting from 1900.




  1. wow, I see a great question that has silenced a lot of people here.

    I don't see anyone who was complaining the air quality answering the question.

    I'm Chinese, and I've been in the west, "the leader of the free world, the shinning star in the dark night" kinda countries, and I still think communism is most suitable for China.

  2. I think its hard to answer this question has you have WWII and the Sino-Japanese war to factor into the equation.

    The cultural revolution, political repression and the failures of the great leap forward have said to of caused between 27-72 million death, while the Sino-Japanese war cause 20 million.

    The thing is if it was not for the Sino-Japanese war Chairman Mao would had not had risen to become leader of the P.R. of China and the wrongs of communism would not had happen.....

    So how can you change events that are out of your hands.

    Now taken WWII aside you only have about 50 odd years.

    I think firstly great war hero/leader do not make great leader in peacetime. But as Chairmao was seen as a freer of this people he had the backing of this people. Ideally you would want a person who wanted to reform China but could listen to the people.

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