
If conception has occured what position will the cervix be in?

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im still testing negative at 10dpo and im begining to give up on this cycle. so what i would like to know from already mothers and people who actually know this for a fact is... how shoul;d my cervix feel after conception or is there no real way to tell? i think i did everything right my timin was great we bd'd the day of O and the day after and a few days before but im pretty sure it wasnt a lot of s***n that got in. will that affect my chances a lot? should i retest again at 12dpo? i used first response they said it was the best




  1. I have no idea about the cervix position but dont give up yet.  I am 10-11dpo and still getting BFN's.  Some positives dont even show up until a week or two after a missed period, its still early to tell.  This has been the longest two weeks ever, it seems like everyone finds out earlier, but I have read a lot of the stories on and most of those women did not get positives until 12-16dpo.  So don't give up yet.  Im so anxious I take two HPT's a day morning/night d**n well knowing that the night hpt is useless. Also if you go to I think there are more sensitive tests out there I know the dollar store brands are actually more sensitive then some of the more expensive brands.

  2. gawd isn't it terrible waiting to find out if your period was on the 31st of july me and my husband had a moment together on the 13th..and the next morning on the 14th i had this clear stretchy discharge...which were signs of I'm waiting and waiting i also took a first response today but too earlier i think...says 5 days b4 missed period so today would be six i think imma wait till sunday or monday b4 i take it again period is due to come thursday...keeping my fingers crossed...not sure if cervix changes in some kinda way...and i don't think there is no way to tell...not on your own anyway...a dr ..would be able to get to your cervix..but not sure if it changes or what...during this process...the day of ovulation...your egg will only last up to 12 to 24 hours so the  day after ovulation wouldn't have counted..i wish the best for you and please let us know if you are ...or not I'm so curious about myself as well....nerve racking i tell ya lol...

  3. HPT is the only thing that can detect pregnancy this early.  Every other symptom many people try to list can just as easily be caused by illness, pending AF, or a host of GI irregularities.

    Basically, at this point, it's so early in pregnancy (if you were pregnant) that your body really doesn't know it's pregnant yet.  It takes 5-7 days after ovulation before the embryo can implant in the uterus.  Until that happens, there is nothing to signal your body that you are pregnant (and medically speaking, you're not pregnant until implantation).  

    So at 10 dpo, if you are pregnant, it's only been 3-5 days.  At this point, only about maybe 50% of pregnant women are going to see anything on even an Early Response HPT.

    And when you consider that the odds of getting pregnant in any given month is only about 25% (assuming you've timed the baby dance correctly), it only makes financial sense that you WAIT and give AF at least one shot at giving you the BFN you are most likely to get for FREE!!!

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