
If conservatives agree to fund alternative energy, will liberals agree to...

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... pass legislation banning windfall profits taxes on the new energy companies once they become profitable AND pass legislation banning aid to Venezuela and other companies we were buying oil from once their economies go to c**p because we're not buying their oil?

Imagine 10 years from now... the oil companies are broke (so is your retirement fund because your 401k was invested in oil)... there are wind farms all over the landscape and wind farm companies are achieving record profits -- some might call them WINDFALL profits...

... and at the same time Huge Chavez is pleading for help from the U.S. because we aren't buying any of their oil...

Would liberals in congress be willing to pass legislation so they can't do the same thing to the Wind Farm Companies that they did to "big oil?" And would they be willing to say "no" to sending billions of dollars in aid to the countries like Venezuela who would then be struggling because we aren't buying their oil any longer?

Would they?




  1. If conservatives agree to fund alternative energy . . .  is completely academic and a fantasy.   Conservatives lack imagination to see into this possibility.  Conservatives just want to drill for more oil domestically.

    And liberals lack a grip on reality.  All liberals want to do is burn the US stratigic reserves, a desparate attempt to get their hands on low priced oil, an idea that offers no hope for the future.

    The first step is getting the US actually seeking alternative energy, rather than just yacking about it.  Conservatives and Liberals are going to have to understand that it requires cooperation and an investment in the future, and not some comfort now (raiding reserves) or wrecking our environment (drilling off shore).  

    My conclusion is that people aren't this dedicated to a resolution.  They want something cheap, and they want it now.

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