
If conservatives are so uncomprimisingly principled, why will they support the likely Republican candidate?

by Guest10670  |  earlier

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el duderino

You're the first to notice.

(He is iconic.)




  1. The tendency to compromise one's principles doesn't fall along lines of philosophy, but along lines of character. Political affiliation and party support tend to hold together as long as people feel they are getting something out of the deal. Republicans will generally fall in line behind their candidate, and how they do relates to how the opposition is regarded as a "greater evil". A great many conservatives will neglect McCain's moderate tendencies and vote for him especially if Hillary is the candidate, who brings out the radical conservatives in droves. That said, if Obama is the dem candidate, many hardcore conservatives may choose to not vote in the face of such popular and electable candidates.

    Liberals are similarly principled - and many might fall under the banner of Nader or the Green or Socialist Party, were it not for the question of electability. Under a two party duopoly, and indeed under any social contract, we all must sacrifice our principles for "the greater good".

  2. There is a lot of fighting going on within the Republican party. The moderates are trying to get back control from the bible thumping Evangelicals.

    McCain is the Republicans only candidate that is electable and it is because of his moderate platform (at least from the perspective of conservatives).

  3. Many of us and some Libs wanted Ron Paul but having the Diebold-to rely on makes it a lost cause. There goes another right, to cast our vote w/o any interference. Neither parties are picking the candidates.

    Jersey boy-if you knew real Christianity you wouldn't associate it with greed, lies, war

  4. Is that Jonny Rotten?

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